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GETTING READY FOR THE PARTY; Y/n was on the phone with Gwen, while she was getting her outfit and makeup done the sun was going down and since she didn't and wasn't able to drive, Flash was going to pick her up. 

Y/n was wearing a black sleeveless short dress, that was showing her collarbones, and a bit of her cleavage. A black purse lay slung over her shoulder, wearing golden bracelets and hoop earrings along with her hair down and black pumps with them. 

Putting on a dark green sweater since the wind was blowing high air. "He adores you Y/n, he didn't even look at me when he was about the shot the basket," Gwen pointed out, over the phone as Y/n had her phone on speaker and sat on her vanity. 

She stood in front of her vanity patting down her body in the black dress. "He doesn't do the thing guys do, well Flash did...Where they just look at my butt, when I walk by, and I have such a good butt, if I do say so myself" 

Gwen giggled on the outside of the phone at Y/n's confidence, "He could barely ask you out Y/n, he likes you-" 

"Who doesn't?" She joked, cocking her head over to the clock to see that it was ten minutes before Flash was going to show up down the street so that her father didn't see that he was in front of the house. "I have to get going, Gwendy- I'll call you later?" 

"I'll be up," Gwen nodded her head. 

She wasn't going to go to the party since she wasn't a party girl at all; she would rather be home studying than having a party with her friends. Y/n hung up her phone and placed it into her purse, checking herself one more time in the mirror before walking out of her room. 

Her heels cracked on the steps, each one clicking more hearing the sounds of a football game echoing in her ear knowing that her dad was going to be watching the game all night probably by the time she got home. 

Lauren had gone to her college for her best friend's birthday party so she didn't need to worry about getting into another argument with her sister. Walking fully downstairs, she walked past the kitchen and into the living room. 

"Excuse me, where are you going dressed like that?" Tristian questioned, cocking his head towards his young seventeen-year-old daughter. 

"Gwen is having a party," Y/n lied knowing she wasn't going to be allowed to go if it was just Flash's party. 

Her father was going to be more worried about the things she and Flash would be doing together during the party than anything. Even though Y/n didn't have any thought to drink or do anything with anyone tonight and just wanted to be around friends. 

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