ch.3 annoyed uncle

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3rd pov

We see Izuku in the nurse office with Toshinori, as Izuku was using his quirk to analyse his uncle's condition.

Izuku: ok uncle Yagi, let's start, did you do what I told you to do?

A.M: yes, I went for a walk in my normal form in the morning, I ate some fish with rice and miso soup and I made sure the fish is not too salty for quite a while, I started eating vegetables and fruits too.

Izuku: good, what about the thing I told you not to do?

A.M: I- *cough* I did make sure that I do minimum amount of hero work . . . . . .

Izuku: and how much was it?

A.M: around . . . . . . . . 3 hours.

Izuku sighed: that's why I feel your quirk being a little active, uncle Yagi, you're a teacher now, which is a tough job, a teacher of future heroes, tougher job and to add it more, you'll be giving lessons with your All Might form, which is a bigger problem, dried apricots?

A.M: n-no thank you, where are you hiding all those apricots?

Izuku: if I tell you, my grandma won't let me eat them anymore, she already hid more than half of them and I am getting low of them, anyway, I advice you to relax.

A.M: but how can I relax when villains are doing crimes?

Izuku: you really have an issue, listen uncle Yagi, uncle Todoroki is No.2 hero, he may not be the nicest hero but he's still a pro-hero, he knows what to do in villain situations, uncle Iida is still a brave hero, auntie Mirko is one of the strongest hero in both physical and mentally, there's a lot of heroes to cover for you, the only problem is you have a trust issue . . . . . . . . .with health issue, but my point is, start trusting them so you can keep going until your flame is transferred.

A.M: . . . . . . . . . You're right.

Izuku: of course I am right, anyway, I have to go, uncle Aizawa called me for something, take care and keep my words in mind.

As Izuku stood up, Toshinori thanked him, Izuku started going for the door, only to tremble over a chair which he was about to fall, luckily, Toshinori caught him.

A.M: you really need something to help you.

Izuku: don't you dare say cane because I really hate them.

A.M: aha, anyway, why are you not wearing your coat? Rather you're putting it on your shoulder?

Izuku: I found out it won't smell bad easily if I only put it on my shoulder, so I won't need to wash it frequently.

A.M: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Your grandma will hit you if she hear this.

Izuku: yep~ she'll, anyway, goodbyes.

A.M: don't you need someone to help you?

Izuku: nah~ I am good.

As Izuku went to the door and opened it but with a little of trouble, he started going to teacher's room, as he arrived he greeted them with all his voice.

Izuku: how have all of you been?!!!!?

Aizawa threw a board eraser at him as it hit Izuku right between his eyes, Izuku rubbed where it hit him and looked at the direction of the hit.

Izuku: uncle Aizawa, did you need anything that you called me then threw something at me?

Aizawa: I want you to come with me and also change the way you greet people.

Izuku: I heard that in middle east and north Africa, it's customs to handshake then kiss both side of cheeks as greeting, do you want me to do that? Auntie Nemuri! Let's practi-!!

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