Chapter 02 // Salvaged

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You take your seat in the swivel chair and wait for the dude on the phone to call. As if on cue, the phone starts ringing and you pick up.

"Hey man! Ok, I have some awesome news for you!

Off to a great start.

First of all: We found some vintage audio training cassettes. Dude, these are like, prehistoric! I think they were like, training tapes, for like other employees or something like that. So, I thought we could like, have them playing, like over the speakers while people walk through the attraction? Dude, that makes this feel, LEGIT man.


But I have an even better surprise for you, and you're not gonna believe this! We found one. A REAL one. Uh, oh uhm, gotta go man! W-well look I-It's in there somewhere, I-I'm sure you'll see it. Okay, I'll leave you with some of this great audio I found. Talk to you later, man!"

Well yeah, I know we found one, I FOUND IT!

"Oh, Hello! Hello, hello! Uh, welcome to your new career as a performer/entertainer, for Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. Uh, these tapes will provide you, with much-needed information on how to handle/climb into/climb out of, mascot costumes.

I already don't like your voice phone man.

Right now, we have 2 specially designed suits, that double as both animatronic and suit! So please, pay close attention while learning how to operate these suits, as accidents/injury/death/irreparable and grotesque maiming can occur.

Wait, did he say death?!

First we will discuss how to operate the mascots when they are in Animatronic form. For ease of operation, the animatronics are set to turn and walk towards sound, giving an easy and hands-free approach, to making sure the animatronics stay where the children are, for maximum entertainment/crowd-pleasing value.

Why do you think I care about what the animatronics were designed to do?

To change the animatronics to Suit mode, insert and turn firmly the hand crank, provided by the manufacturer. Turning the crank will recoil and compress the animatronic parts around the sides of the suit, providing room to climb inside. Please make sure the spring lock is fastened tight, to ensure the animatronic devices remain (fit?). We'll cover this in more detail, in tomorrow's session. Remember to smile, you are the face of Freddy Fazbear's Pizza."

"Like hell, I needed to know that! There ain't no way in hell you'd get me to wear one of those." You say pulling out the camera monitor attached to the wall. As much fun as you were having picking on this phone guy, you had a job to do.

You honestly don't know why they hired you. You couldn't fight off an intruder for your life and who the hell is breaking into some cheesy horror attraction before it's open?! What do they want to steal, decade-old drawings? Old arcade machines? Pizza?!?

Enough joking around, you look at the camera that opened on cam 10 and start looking around the place. Cam 4, cam 6, cam 2, cam 8. You notice something odd about cam 8, you had walked through that hallway and swore the rabbit thing wasn't there but now it was just sitting at the end of the hallway.

You brush it off and continue flipping through the cameras. A few minutes passed and you were getting bored of looking through the cameras. You flip back to cam 8 for the last time, expecting to see the rabbit there but it was gone. Your eyes widen, It was there, right? You flip through all cameras, including the vents at least 12 times.

It's not here which means...

"Looking for someone?" A husky voice came from your left. Quickly you turn your head to see who was talking only to see the rabbit you had been trying to find. You felt the blood drain from your face as it walked into the small office and closer to you.

"I never got to thank you earlier. You've salvaged me, I'm forever in for dept," It said picking up the Freddy toy from your desk and admiring it before putting it back down to face you. "Allow me to introduce myself. The names, hmm, Springtrap." He said with a bow, taking some time to think before saying his name.

It just continued to stare at you, as if waiting for a reply.

"Cat got your tongue or something? I'm not here to hurt you, well." He said well in a darker tone of voice, It wants to hurt me, perfect! Slowly you had been pushing the chair you sat on backwards to get away from the thing, you know you're just cornering yourself but you just want to get away from that thing!

You start thinking of ways to get rid of the thing. Animatronics are set to turn and walk towards sound. The phone guy's voice echoed through your head. Maybe that segment of the call wasn't useless, maybe this thing will leave to noise, or maybe this is why you have a play audio button on your camera system.

Taking your eyes off the rabbit for only a second to look at the cameras, you quickly press the play audio button in whatever camera it was open on being cam 5. You heard a child's voice saying hello echo through the walls of the building. Looking back to where the rabbit had stood, it was gone.

You congratulate yourself in your mind before looking back at the cameras to try and find what room he had gone to. Cam 5 was empty, cam 1 was empty, cam 4 was empty. Just as you were going to check cam 10 you felt a large cold hand grab your right shoulder.

"You shouldn't take your eyes off me, darling, I'm quick and quiet." It said with a chuckle—you were paralyzed with fear. A second hand grabbed your other shoulder then it rested its heavy head on top of yours. The stench from it filled your nose making you want to gag. This thing was only sitting in a room for 30 years, how can it smell like a corpse?!

"So, are you planning on telling me your name or are you just not gonna talk to me." He sounded annoyed now. You gathered all your courage together and finally spoke.

"I-Its Y/N." You say in a soft voice.

"So, you do have a voice," He lifted his head off of yours. "Why would you hide such a beautiful voice like that from me? And that name, prettiest name I've heard for the past 40 years."

You blush from embarrassment. It takes its hands off your shoulders and walks around to what was your side. He had spun the chair around whilst walking so you'd be facing him when he stopped. He crouched down to be at eye level with you and just stared at your face, not blinking, not talking, just staring.

You started feeling uncomfortable but didn't take your eyes off him. The last time you did that you let your guard down a bit too easily. You can feel sweat starting to form on your forehead then a bead or two dripping down the side of your face.

He smiled before standing back up and leaning on your desk.

"I apologise for making you nervous but I wanted to admire your gorgeous face. I always assumed it would be him or one of them who'd accidentally free me or no one at all but, I've gotta admit, I wasn't expecting someone as beautiful as for to save me."

You felt your face heat up again at the compliment but couldn't help but wonder who they were and who he was. Either way, you found yourself looking away from him to try and hide your flustered face.

"Every time I seem interested in something about you, you hide it from me. First, your name, then your voice and now your face, why hide them?"

You remained silent. The two of you sat in awkward silence for the next few minutes before Springtrap stood up and started walking out of the room.

"Where are you going?" You asked it. You didn't mean to speak, the words just came out.

"So, now that I'm leaving you're going to talk to me? That doesn't seem fair." He said with a scratchy voice. "But if you must know, I'm going back to the safe room, It's almost 6 AM and I don't feel like being caught moving by other people." You nodded and he left the room and walked down the empty halls of the horror attraction.

You watched him return to the safe room through the cameras and once he was there you slouched back into your chair. Finally, you could sit back and relax. You pulled out your phone to check the time. He was right.

It was 5:57. How did he know the time? You asked yourself but didn't care enough to get the answer. You grabbed your things and left the building. You take one last look at it before getting into your car and driving off.

Tomorrow is another day.

Word Count: 1532

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