Chapter 03 // Phantoms In The Night

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But sir, the rabbit came to life! He threatened to kill me!

Y/N, you were just hallucinating. The building's oxygen supply isn't that good, you're able to fix the ventilation with the extra panel in your office. The rabbit isn't coming to life and it didn't try to kill you. Is that clear? Your boss Joey was getting more and more frustrated as the conversation continued.

You decided to tell your boss about the rabbit coming to life the previous night but he refused to believe you and you refused to believe that you hallucinated the rabbit, it touched you, you could still feel its cold, heavy hands on your shoulders and its head atop of yours.

You finally sighed in defeat knowing Joey wasnt going to believe you.

Yes sir,

You left his office shortly after, going home to get some more rest before tonight.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

You decided to enter the attraction from the exit hoping the rabbit wont realise you'd arrived. The first hour went by smoothly, the only noise made was from the phone. Nothing new was said just how to put on one of those death suits. Springtrap didn't even appear in any of the cameras or near your office the whole time but once it was two am, you saw him. Cam 05, close to the camera.

There was no point in trying the audio thing since that would alert him that you were here in the building with him. You decided to listen to Joeys advice and reset the ventilation but when you looked at the cameras and saw it was still there, you knew he was no hallucination.

So you just waited. He didn't attack the night before, just threatened you once. Everything else he said was him introducing himself and trying to get to know you and complimenting you a lot. You were probably the first person he'd seen in years though so who knows when the period of him being nice was up.

It didn't take long. You had no clue when he got there but when you looked at the door Springtrap was leaning against the doorframe, just staring. You knew it wouldn't work but you restarted the ventilation again anyway and to no surprise, he was still there. It confused you, last night he had no issue walking right into your office but now he just stood there.

Can I help you? You asked, kinda just wanting him to speak.

He shook his head no.

Do you want to come in? Why are you inviting him in?!

The rabbit got off the frame and walked into your office and stood in front of you. You were nervous but he didn't do anything. Eventually, he sat down, he still didn't speak but he just sat whilst you flicked through the cameras. To your surprise, you started to feel more comfortable around him. You wouldnt say safe but he felt less threatening.

An hour or so passed and Springtrap hadnt made a noise. You were still looking through the cameras but came to a stop at the sight of a child. You didnt get a good look at the child since the camera seemed to close itself and the kid was now in front of you. The kid stood for a moment then jumped at you making you scream pretty loud.

You struggled to breathe, your vision was coming and going, and beeping came along with a red light that flashed. Breathing only got harder, you could no longer see anything, you just held your chest tight, trying to breathe normally again.

The beeping stopped and as you slowly got your vision and breathing back to normal, you could see the light had stopped flashing too. Shacking, you let go of your chest and look up. Springtrap was crouching in front of you, restart panel in hand.

What happened? Springtrap carefully asked.

Didnt you see him? Your voice trembled. Springtrap shook his head.

The kid that looked like that kid you see in the drawings around this place, holding the ballon? Springtrap still didnt seem to understand.

You take a moment to calm down and steady your breathing more before continuing.

I saw him in the camera taking up the whole screen then he was in here and jumped at me. It sounded ridiculous now that you were saying it aloud. Springtrap probably thought you were going crazy and this was only your third day on the job! Maybe Joey was right and everything you saw here where just hallucinations.

I know it sounds crazy but I know what I saw. You say softly, talking to yourself as well as Springtrap.

I believe you, Was all he said. It wasnt much but it still felt relieving.

You didnt see it though? Springtrap shook his head no. 

Minutes went by. The two of you sat unmoving, not saying a word. Your eyes were glued to where you saw the kid.

"You know, I used to see phantoms in the night too," Springtrap broke the silence with his usual raspy voice. "I was terrified, just like you when I first saw them."

The weight lifted from your shoulders hearing this. If you were going crazy at least you weren't alone. 

"Do you still see them?" You couldn't help but ask. 

He was silent, thinking about his answer before he spoke.

"Not since I've come here. I only ever saw them at the location you found me in."

"Wait, who programmed you?! Why would they make you see things like that?"

Springtrap laughed.

"I became my own being over time. The programming gets in my way sometimes but I'm more human than machine in a way."

You thought about what he said for a bit. How can a robot become or think it's human? A part of you wanted to know but the other told you to not ask.

"Otherwise, I was programmed by two men. Henry Emily and William Afton."

Tomorrow Is Another Day

Word Count: 1018

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2023 ⏰

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