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It was 8:30 AM in the morning, it was very sunny and the sun was shining on Arien's window. Waking him up, but all it did was make him lay back down and end up going back to sleep for about 5 minutes. If it wasn't obvious already, Arien is grumpy whenever he wakes up on sunny mornings or when he can't fall back to sleep.

He'll just fall back to sleep whenever his name might be called or his phone is ringing because Rinyoe and Xvyn wanna talk to him and Lonora likes annoying his ass in the morning, including now. A phone call from Lonora, at 8:36 AM in the morning. Arien sighed and picked up his phone.

LONORA "Hey, sleepyhead! Woah, you look like shit! Like, you look so tired."
ARIEN "Sigh, don't I always whenever I'm tired? And you would know this since you so hardly love to call me at 8:36 in the morning!?!"
LONORA "Oh yeah, I was playing with your feelings. I don't actually care that you look like shit, you should fix that up yourself not gonna lie."
ARIEN "Lonora, please...! It's too early for you to be calling me and already teasing me because I look like shit! Well... obviously! It's 8:36 AM and I'm tired!"

"Haha! Well, looks like that's your problem to deal with. And it would be best if you weren't saying it's too early in the morning. I'm always gonna call you in the morning."
ARIEN "Sigh.. you're so annoying! Why did I pick you as one of my best friends again?"
LONORA "Because you're a lying asshole and you actually love my company? Yeah, that's exactly why!"
ARIEN "You know, keep talking like that and I'll end this phone call."
LONORA "Wait! Don't end the phone call, I'm sorry grumpy cat!"

"Give me 5 reasons why I shouldn't end this call with you, bunny rabbit."
LONORA "Well, first of all... One, you're stupid. Two, I love you being tired on the call cause it's funny and I get to bully you. Three, you're an awesome best friend. Four, why am I doing this again? And lastly Five, it's 8:38 in the morning and I know you love my company!"
ARIEN "Okay... I guess I won't be ending this call anytime soon huh?"
LONORA "Yeah... You won't."

"I should've just answered Xvyn and Rinyoe's texts."
LONORA "Hey, I mean you didn't deny that you loved my company!"
ARIEN "Ugh, will you shut up BuNnY RABBIT!?"
LONORA "Hahaha! You still didn't deny it though! Oh wait, was that a voice crack? Ahahaha!"


"Haha, do you think Arien will respond any time soon?"
RINYOE "I think Arien is still sleeping honestly, haha. We should probably wait for him."
XVYN "At this time? Rinyoe... You know Lonora is always bothering him."
RINYOE "True... I mean it would be kinda funny, seeing how he always looks like shit whenever Lonora calls him at exactly 8 in the morning!"
XVYN "You know what, let's call this dumbass since he wants to be awake so early!"

RINYOE "Be warned, you know he's gonna be grumpy already!"
XVYN "I have NO fear in what he'll do."
RINYOE "If you say so..."
XVYN "Come on! I'm being serious this time!"


Nia woke up and she was very tired, the light was shining in her eyes. She simply hated mornings due to the sun shining on her, how early it would be, and she knew she probably had something to do today. She sighed and got up from her bed but immediately collapsed right back on her bed and into her blanket once more, even more, comfortable with a hoodie on too.

Today seemed to be a lazy day for her and she didn't plan on going out or doing anything, but this is only just morning thoughts. She thought to herself, maybe I'll go out today? I mean, what's the worst that could happen? Run into Arien and end up getting angry with him and suddenly talking with him on a bench outside of a place and actually figuring out we could be friends?
Tch, I doubt it. Anyways, I need to get up sooner or later... This bed can't keep me forever. (Even though I wish it could!)


"Oh? Looks like Xvyn and Rinyoe are calling me! Aha! Freedom from you now!"

LONORA "No! Don't you dare leave, Arien!"
ARIEN "Oh...? You don't want me to leave? Hm.. give me a reason why I shouldn't leave."
LONORA "Uhm... Well, you're amazing and funny and you're super cool so.. you should stay."
ARIEN "Hmph, even though I enjoy the compliments.. I'll be taking my LEAVE!"

"Haha, I don't think so bunny rabbit!"
LONORA "This is my karma, huh?"
ARIEN "Yeah it is." 
LONORA "Sigh, you don't have to hang up with a reply dumbass. I'll catch you later, Arien!"
Arien hung up without telling her his reply to Lonora.
ARIEN "Goodbye dumb bunny rabbit." he said before picking up the phone with Xvyn and Rinyoe.

LONORA "He actually hung up huh? This fucking dumbass grumpy cat. I don't think he caught my tone, I was being sarcastic."

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