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It was 8:34 in the morning and Arien really, really, REALLY didn't want to get up at all today. He obviously did get a couple of messages from Xvyn and Rinyoe asking if he was okay and if he wanted to talk but he didn't reply. Lonora called him for their early morning call, expecting an answer... He didn't pick up. It was hurting him inside but the pain he was feeling was burning him out and making him avoid his friends.

[God, I'm so sorry Lonora. I wish I could answer, I would have but I just couldn't. I know how much you'll worry about me since this is gonna be the first time I've never answered. Please don't worry about me. I will answer soon, I'm sorry dumb bunny rabbit.]

He sighed on his bed looking at his phone, seeing how much it was blowing up from his friend's notifications. It just made him more guilty knowing how much he was hurting himself and them by not replying. But, he needed somebody to talk to so he went back and answered that call with Lonora.

LONORA "Hey, Grumpy Cat!"
ARIEN "Hey, Lonora."
LONORA "Are... you okay?"
ARIEN "Not really feeling my best today." he chuckled, trying to lighten up the mood.
LONORA "Arien. What's up?"
ARIEN "Lonora, I... swear I'm fine."
LONORA "Arien, you can talk to me about it silly. It's not like I'm some cranky ass nerd who will get mad you at for not telling me everything about your life."
ARIEN "Heh, you got a point there..."
LONORA "Now, what's up?"
ARIEN "Well... I haven't been answering you, Xvyn, and Rinyoe. And, it's because I'm so burnt out. I genuinely don't know what to do about it."
LONORA "Hmm. I'll be back soon, I'll talk to you later okay?"
ARIEN "Oh. Alright, bye Lonora."
LONORA "Silly, don't say bye just yet."
And just like that, Lonora ended the call leaving Arien in confusion. Not knowing what she was gonna do, he just laid back down and plopped back into his burn-out depression void. He swore he was sinking into it a little too much.

Lonora made a separate group chat with just Xvyn and Rinyoe.

GUYS! Are you there? - LONORA
Yeah, why? What's up Lonora? - XVYN
What Xvyn said, you okay? - RINYOE
I know Arien has probably been ignoring you guys, but we need to visit his place now.  - LONORA
Is he okay? - RINYOE
Yeah, but he's been burnt out. We should go visit him and help him out with some things he needs to get done, you know how much he likes to get himself busy. - LONORA
Ohh, I gotcha. We meet up in 3 minutes? - XVYN
Don't need to tell me twice, already getting out a hoodie and shoes. - RINYOE
He has a point. You are always ready, Rinyoe! - LONORA
Haha, don't ask such certain things, guys. Maybe I'll tell you somehow in the future. - RINYOE

Arien was still laying in bed, it was already 8:50. He should've been making coffee and getting breakfast by now but he was too stuck in bed, it's like the burn-out was just reeling him in and it wouldn't stop. Yeah, his dumbass was being too sappy and depressing and he couldn't even stop it. Way too many emotions flowing at him at once, but that's when he heard his doorbell ring.

ARIEN "There's no way, did she actually pull up to my house?"
Arien opened the door to see Lonora, Xvyn, and Rinyoe all smiling at once.
ARIEN "Oh, hey guy-"
Before Arien could finish, they gave him a big hug which swirled a lot of emotions in him. It was a mix of confusion, happiness, a small hint of embarrassment, and lastly, comfort. Still hugging, they all responded.
LONORA "Haha, hi Arien."
XVYN "What's up, King?"
RINYOE "Hi, Arien!!"
ARIEN "Honestly, I won't lie. Can we keep hugging like this for a bit more?"
LONORA "Whatever makes you feel better, Arien."

About 5-6 minutes passed and they were still hugging, they had to leave this hug at some point even though how much affection it was giving they still had things to do. And that entire thing was helping out Arien.

RINYOE "Haha, guys. We seriously need to get out of this hug."
XVYN "Awh, even though how much I don't wanna leave... Rinyoe has a point."
ARIEN "Guys, please. Thank you for this hug, I really needed it and you don't even know."
LONORA "Dude, seriously? We love you and you should know that we'll always have your back no matter how you feel.
RINYOE "Exactly, Lonora is right, we will always be here for you."
Arien was at a loss for words, he was about to cry. That emotional affectionate wave of emotions hit him and his heart badly, it hit too close to home.
XVYN "No matter what, we're always gonna be here for you, King. Just know that you're an amazing dude and we love that."
ARIEN "Heh, thank you guys... Really, that... made me cheer up. God, I don't know what I would do without you guys." his tone was shaky at the end, he was close to breaking down in happy tears.
LONORA "Of course, we're here for you. But, moving on. Is there anything you want to do today or have to do anything? We'll take care of that for you."
ARIEN "Haha, well... First thing off, can I get another hug? I got a bit attached."
XVYN "It was obvious, we know king. Go ahead."
They hugged again and it was like Arien was just being pushed into a pool of affection and it was making him happy.

RINYOE "Alright, Mister. What do you want to eat for breakfast today?"
ARIEN "Uhm... Pancakes with coffee?"
LONORA "That genuinely sounds good."
XVYN "Bro, you need to slice me a piece of that shit cause holy hell that sounds delicious."
ARIEN "You guys are so silly. You know, it's not just about me today! Make yourself some while you're grabbing the pancake mix."
RINYOE "Haha, I mean it's the least we can do so we can actually all enjoy a meal together."
XVYN "Rinyoe does have a point! We are NOT just going to stare at you as you eat."
ARIEN "Haha, yeah no. I would've kicked you out of my house if you did that."
LONORA "Wow! You're so mean! But it is fair, cause why stare...?"
ARIEN "I'm glad you see my point, dumbass!" he smiled with a happy grin.
LONORA'S MIND-[Okay, had no reason to be sort of cute. I have never thought of Arien like this before though.] a little tint of blush on her face.
XVYN "For once, I'm actually good at pancake mix stirring! I know my future girlfriend would be proud of me."
RINYOE "Haha, don't test your luck now Xvyn!"
LONORA "Ahaha, you guys are so stupid!"
ARIEN "Heh, you guys are something else."

After a while, Arien was watching Rinyoe and Lonora cook pancakes while lost in his thoughts. At first, the idea of them cooking for him made him smile, and then Xvyn started talking with him. He was honestly glad to see Xvyn, he's been stuck in his thoughts for a minute and Xvyn talking would be for the best.

XVYN "How are you, king?"
ARIEN "Been doing great, thanks Xvyn."
XVYN "Of course! Anything for a friend."
ARIEN "Haha, I guess you're right.
XVYN "Also, don't know if it's just me but... Rinyoe is incredibly fast at what he does. Like, you'll be immediately meeting up with us and he already is getting his shoes on...? I'm scared about what he'll do next.
ARIEN "Haha... Yea... You have a point, Xvyn. God, what if he's cooking the pancakes fast and we just never knew?
XVYN "We should probably stop instigating before it gets too scary..."
ARIEN "Yeah..."

After a while, the pancakes were done and all set on plates and Arien did get his coffee which he was dying to get. He immediately took a sip of his coffee immediately feeling energized, but they all started eating and Arien was feeling a lot better, it's crazy how much his friends care for him and he's grateful for all of it.

Lonora took everyone's plates since they were all finished eating already and while she was washing their plates she was talking to all of them since it would've been weird if they were all just sitting in silence.

LONORA "So, Arien. What do you need to do today?"
ARIEN "Uh... Sign some papers, post another photo on social media, make lunch for later, read one of my favorite books, shower, and then that should be it."
LONORA "Bet! We can do all of that for you! Except for the showering and reading, that's... something to do in your own time."
ARIEN "Lonora, you are something... I can't believe you all are trying to help me out today."
LONORA "Well, dumbass! We're gonna always be here for you. It's the least I could do for an amazing friend that I could ever have, you're one of a kind and I wouldn't ask for another Arien. I'm sure Xvyn and Rinyoe can agree."
XVYN "Lonora is absolutely right dude! You're our king and you're amazing at it too."
RINYOE "Yeah! Honestly don't know what I would do if I didn't meet you."
Arien smiled but remembered what Lonora had said. It honestly made him blush just a little since that was the first time Lonora had ever said that about him, it caught him off-guard and he was a little embarrassed at the fact that somebody was acknowledging his work so easily. Yeah he's cocky and he expects it, but from his close best-friend? It's different.

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