Lessons of pain.

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Tuesday. Where the hell do we start with Tuesday? Is it better than Monday? Yes Monday is the worst feeling ever. Better than any other day of the week? Not in the slightest. Although, Tuesday can be okay as long as the hell of Monday dosen't bring Tuesday down into the du-


--Y/N's POV--
(Again. Such creative I know)

Ughhhhhhh. I don't wanna wake uppppp... Fineeee- dammit I slept in the clothes I wore to school yesterday. I got up and threw on some other clothes which consisted of some regular pants and a hoodie because warm, soft and floofy. I walked out and got dragged by the finger out the dorm. "ACK- THAT HURTS!"

"YA GONNA BE LATE TO MATHS MATE!" How the hell does Australia know my dorm room? Also, OW. He continued to drag me by the finger until we reached the maths class. Without the teacher. Yup, the teacher was compleatly late so I got dragged by the finger for nothing. After giving Australia a fair glare, we sat down and Canada sighed as he probably assumed or knew what happened.

"You ready for hell?"

"Not in the slightest." The teacher walked in and just began teaching like he wasn't late by like 25 minutes and I was only 23 minutes late. ShOcKiNg. We didn't even do the maths ,by the way, because he got locked out the stupid computer and didn't know how to unlock it or who to go to in order to unlock the thing he needed in order to probably make a test and fail his own test.

After the non-lesson had gone by, everyone booked it outside the classroom and refused to look back. He hardly even realised; he was more bothered about unlocking the computer so he probably watch anime or something. And next I have computing. I doubt anyone is gonna manage to get locked out their computer like him.

Once up, I took a seat and a kid on the other side of the table ,which was blocked off by computers, sat. And something tells me this is the bad kid in class. His name was China and God he wouldn't shut up. However, someone sat next to me. They tapped my shoulder noticing that I was just staring in annoyance at the idiots voice.

"こんにちは。 はじめまして。 私は日本です。" I stared in ultimate confusion at the country sat next to me. She translated her sentence soon after though. "Apologies. Nice to meet you, I'm Japan." She gave a quick wave and gave a welcoming sentence. Hey at least she's-

"Shut up Japan! Nobody asked you! Nobody even likes you anyway so I dunno why your even saying anything to the new ki-"

"ああ、黙って中国。 誰もあなたのことを好きではありません." Obviously, China diverted his attention to other parts of the class after giving me and Japan a nasty glare- what did I do!? "Ignore him. He's a complete asshole and always has and will be"

"Fair enough. I'm Y/N. Nice to meet you too Japan." As I do for every new country I meet, I chatted to them for the entire lesson while we started the creation of a website using Google sites. Who the hell uses Google sites to relate websites?-

Eventually that lesson ended too. Break rolled around and I just sat down at a random table. Phillippines, Japan, Australia and a New country I hadn't seen yet (look there's alot I gotta introduce so you just gonna have to accept it for now) sat at the same table. "Heya mate. This is Taiwan and he ain't got nowhere else to go so he's sittin' here if thats aight."

"It's fine. Nice to meet you Taiwan. I'm Y/N"

"Nice to meet you too Y/N" He took a seat and ,soon enough, we were all talking about pancakes- PANCAKES. Still better than talking about water. more sepcifically, tap water. Yup, literal tap water. God. Anyway, break ended pretty soon and I made my way to English. It ain't gonna be too bad hopefully.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2022 ⏰

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