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Tree branches snagged at her clothes and hair covering the little girl in surface wounds. Yet she kept running. Behind her were four armed enemies maybe more. She knew that she couldn't afford to get caught, Will has not given her the signal

She stumbled forward and tried to force down a scream only to prove unsuccessful. She momentarily stopped pulling a shard of some kind out of her foot. She kept going ignoring the throbbing that pulsated through her body. It only got worse every time it hit the ground.

In a matter of seconds her run had turned into more of a limo, they were bound to catch her now. Hiding wasn't an option especially with the clear blood trail stalking her. Panic slowly began to consume the young girl.

With a quick glance over her shoulder, her legs wobbled and gave out. She closed her eyes for only a moment cradling her injury. When she opened them once more she was surrounded. While bathed in the moonlight she could easily identify the six junior agents.

One of them fell to their knee taking out a bottle of clear liquid. Gripping her ankle he poured the burning substance on the wound. She remained still, her body used to it's particular sting. Her foot was then wrapped up tight. From behind one of backs appeared her stuffed turtle, Steve. She snatched him away giving the agent a nod in thanks.

"Kid, you sure caused a commotion." The others chuckled, speaking among themselves in agreement.

"More importantly what did you do to make that hole in the wall? Was it a bomb? She nodded shocking the agents. The little girl rarely responded to any communication attempts made by the junior agents.

"Where in the world could she have gotten herself a bomb? One of them asked to no one in particular.

"Did you make it yourself?" With another nod she held up two finger. They understood instantly.

In a split second a hand gripped her throat blocking her oxygen intake. She struggled against the killer hand, but it didn't budge. The agents stood frozen surprised by my attacker actions as her body dangled vulnerably.

"Where is the other bomb?" The owner of the hand asked.

The little girl ignored the question.

Suddenly the hand let her go as another agent pushed her assaulter away. Two more agents held him back just in case he might try to attack her again.

"Are you mad? The boss will kill us and our families if you killed her!" The men further yelled at her assailant as she breathed in gulps of air. After a few minutes her attacker finally spoke.

"I know, I know. It was a accident alright. Lets just get her back already."

No more words were exchanged as she was lifted up roughly and they ran together back to Headquarters. With her room destroyed she was thrown in a closet.

She hugged her turtle Steve, it was only a matter of time before they realized Will was missing. And after a few minutes, as expected, a tall stranger appeared in the door frame. She couldn't see his face, but she felt his anger.

He grabbed her by the hair dragging her out. She let go of Steve holding his wrist in hopes of him releasing the hold he had on her. He sent her flying where she smashed in the ceiling and landed back on the ground, hard. She knew that she must have broken something though she had lost all her energy to even check.

Thankfully someone helped her up. Unfortunately it was the same man. His face was inches from hers. She could see the sadistic glint in his eyes and frowned. 

"Where's the boy?"He barked.

It would probably be best to answer that question, but not before she got the signal. Her silence fueled his anger making him kick her. The man repeated his question. While refusing to answer the question she tasted blood and spat it on his shoes. This unwise action only made him start kicking her harder, by thus time she could barely feel it anymore.

He lifted his leg as if to stomp on her, but was thrown off balance. For an explosion could be heard in the near distance.

It was the signal at last. He was safe over the gate. Once the man regained his balance he stood beside her at attention. The little girl looked up to see the boss walking her way. It was uncommon for him to be anywhere near her. last she saw him, he had personally delivered a bewildered Will to her about 3 and a half years prior.

The boss simply stood over her looking between the man and the little girl.

"I see that you have met the man who shall become your new trainer." The boss said crouching down to inspect her. "Now what do you think, you believe she may have the potential?"

The man grunted. "She didn't fight , so I wouldn't know. She seems to have a high tolerance for pain."

"Indeed, its the reason I asked for you specifically. You may not kill her in your training. She is much to important to my team." The boss forcibly heaved her up to her feet. She wobbled for a moment craning her neck to look up at the two men. They were paying her no mind.

"Did her last trainer try and kill her? I'm sure you gave 'ole Roger a quick death."

"The last one tried not to kill her but the play mate I brought her.  His death was caused by those tiny hands of hers."

Two agents ran down the hall on either side pouring out the contents of red tanks alone the side of the walls as they went. The boss and the man continued to chat about her as they walked. She followed silently behind them.

They lead her outside where a car was waiting for them. There were even more men outside pouring the odd smelling liquid on the house.

Abruptly the boss stopped and watched her. She was still limping , her clothes were ripped, she was bleeding from multiple small cuts that littered her body, all her skin was wither bruised or cut leaving her body numb. He called for the Healer. One of the agents stopped and ran over to her. All he did was rub her head with the back of his hand and just like that all her pain vanished. She tried to keep the surprise off her face, but failed. 

The boss had never allowed a healer to heal her before. 

The man and the boss got in the car and she was beckoned to follow. She sat across from them feeling out of place as the car jerked forward. She could hear sirens off in the distance, deciding it was best not to ask about it. She turned looking out the rear window as her home went up in flames.

"You know that I won't be giving you anymore playmates, right?" She nodded. "Good I'm curious what would make you defy my direct order and help him escape." She shrugged not looking at him. 

She couldn't tell him the real reason he would never understand. When she was alone, he said he would be her brother. When she had no name he gave her one. He had a family he wanted to see again, it was the least she could do.

Turning her attention back tot he boss she noticed a black box on the boss's lap. He opened it pulling out what seemed to be a big silver coin with a chain on it. A design she had never seen before was on the coin, but before she could study it the chain was around her neck. 

Her joy, her sadness, her pain and worries everything disappeared. Leaving her empty with nothing. It was just her brain and her. Her brain filled with pure logic, ideas, and the step by step tutorial on the multiple ways to kill a man. It was all she knew, all she was now was.

"You can't defy me again, if you do so you won't be able to become a hero. Do you understand?" That she knew, she knew the answer. The little girl looked him straight in the eyes and nodded.

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