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The sounds of the city, was something I had not experienced in awhile. Cars were humming, people chatting, and dogs were barking. To sum it up everything was unnecessarily loud.

It was quickly approaching my sixth hour in this alley.  Standing there beside a dumpster in the shade, I could feel my phone begin to vibrate. I pulled it out watching a blinking red dot travel along the map. My target was on the move.

His name was Jacob Redwood who from what I'm told is a murderous villain by night lawyer by day. He is not much of a threat being a normal and all. A rookie agent was sent already to handle him and failed. Thus, they sent me. Field work wasn't really my job, but no one else was available.

Apparently my target has a soft spot for children, which is where I come in.

I put my phone back in my pocket, taking out a mirror in its place. Snapping open the small circular mirror, I straightened my blue bow that matched my puffy short dress. Ahead of me outside the alley, was a long row of townhouses. One of which belonged to my target, to be exact house 247.

I pulled out my phone again, the target was around the corner. Slipping the phone back in my pocket I walked out of the alley. The sidewalk was deserted at least for now as I displayed my most scared expression. One that I had spent hours in front of a mirror perfecting. I made my way down the street slowly turning my head to each side like the lost girl I was trying to portray.

A red car rounded the corner parking along the side walk parallel to the one I was on. After a moment of continuing my lost girl walk, the door to the car opened. A middle aged man in a suit under a light jacket stepped out. He had dirty blond hair that was slicked back, along with a bushy beard. He matched the photo of my target perfectly.

The man spotted me, as I walked directly in front of his building. I forced some tears to fall when he fell to one knee in front of me.

"What's wrong little girl, are you lost?" I nodded slowly wiping my eyes with the back of my hand.

"I don't know where my mommy is."I sobbed. The man nodded and I noticed that a chain hung loosely around his neck. That could be used.

The man pulled out his phone, playing with it for a moment before handing it to me. The screen was set on dial.

"Do you know what your mom's number is?" I shook my head. He sighed running his hand through his hair. "Where were you when you lost her?" I pointed in the distance behind me towards the dog park. Behind the man a smiling couple turned the corner with a dog. Walking towards us. This would be the best time to act.

"Okay, lets wait for your mom together there. Its dangerous for you to be by yourself." He stood back up to his full height offering to hold my hand as we walked. I looked past his hand to the chain around his neck.

The chain was gold and it shimmered in the sunlight. Okay, chain your name is Shimmer.

Then I gave the order; Shimmer tighten. I took a step away from the man and he gave me a confused look. 

Without warning he gasped. His hands went to his neck as he tried to pull away the chain.The man fell down to his knees his face turned a shade lighter. I took another step away from him before screaming. The couple with the dog ran over to the man trying to help. The woman pulled me aside asking me if he was my father. I told her that I lost my mom and he was about to wait with me until she showed.

The man fell limp, but his chest still rose and fell. My job here was done, someone else would finish him. The siren of an ambulance drew near as the couple exchanged a perplexed expression. Most likely about who called in the ambulance and how they were so close already. Rookie mistake.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2017 ⏰

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