Pair of Brothers and Flying Plates

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A/N: hey everyone thank you so much for having some patience! I've been flooded with school work and final exams recently.. But anyways thank you everyone who has been reading this; I honestly wasn't expecting to get this far with this story! Comment, vote, and let me know what you think so far! :)

I felt myself slightly waking up from the fainting spell I've had yet again...awake enough to slightly hear conversation around me and the heavy thumps of boots on the hardwood floors.
I didn't really feel like I could move at all. This whole journey had me exhausted now and I guess my body was getting used to the changes.
Though, I could feel a pair of warm, calloused hands softly holding each of my hands firmly, but gently. I could hear a soft broken conversation that was hard to hear right next to me as if they were afraid to wake me up.
"After all of these years she appears......." A voice said.
"I know Kili, this is quite strange................disappearance...............seventy years.........Orc attack......" A older, but young voice says.
I can barely catch what they are saying... What the heck is an Orc? Weird... But I can hear them talking slightly louder.
"I cannot imagine what Uncle is going to say Fili after she awakens; this is almost impossible to believe." Kili sighs.
"Just be patient and wait till she wakes and do not pester her with your questions brother, we do not want her to have a heart attack the moment she comes too." I think Fili tells the other. There was no response and I drift off once again.
----few hours later------
I felt myself come to more and trying to open my eyelids but got blinded by the light suddenly flooding around the room. I put my hand to my eyes to shield them from the onslaught of light; as my eyes adjusted to the light. I could see that I was laying on a soft couch next to a lit fireplace in a living room. I could hear singing and merry laughing coming from the hallway of the house I was in.
Not sure whether I should investigate or not.. I mean it's not like this is my house...right? "Weirdest day of my life" I muttered.
Sitting up, I was still dressed in my old clothes. Standing up I walking to the round entryway of the entrance to the hallway and peeked around to see what the commotion was about. All of a sudden a plate came flying through the air towards my face; I quickly maneuvered around back into the living room.. "What the heck is going on?!" I gasping, from the adrenaline rush. Hopefully I haven't been caught snooping...
I strained my ears to hear the song that they were singing. Which sounded odd fully familiar for some reason..

"Blunt the knives, bend the forks

Smash the bottles and burn the corks

Chip the glasses and crack the plates

That's what Bilbo Baggins hates!

Cut the cloth and tread on the fat

Leave the bones on the bedroom mat

Pour the milk on the pantry floor

Splash the wine on every door

Dump the crocks in a boiling bowl

Pound them up with a thumping pole

When you've finished, if any are whole

Send them down the hall to roll
That's what Bilbo Baggins hates!"

Then I heard a bunch of merry laughter after it and I found myself tapping a long to the beat of the song. Smiling to myself..maybe this won't be so bad after all?
Suddenly a deep, hard knocking on the round door pulled me out of my reverie and startled me.
A deep, wise voice said:
"He is here."

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