-Chapter 1-

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I stand next to Xavier during the break and watch him continue painting his picture on the wall in the square courtyard.  Across the yard I see Enid and Wednesday Addams walking. Wednesday is said to have come to school today.

"Wednesday Addams looks cool doesn't she?" asks Xavier, who is also looking at her.

"Yes, does she still recognize you?" I answer him and he shrugs his shoulders.

Then he goes on painting and I help him.  Xavier taught me to paint and draw when we were little. We almost never did anything without each other. I too have the power to bring everything I draw to life. Maybe Xavier helped me to awaken this power in me. We tell each other everything and we have no secrets from each other. After the break we go to class together and sit down.  Bianca gives me a jealous look and I smile back. I mean, it's not my fault that Xavier broke up with her. After class we go to our room.  Xavier, Rowan and I share a room and I'm very happy about that. I throw myself on my bed.

"Ah, I'm so broken from that day," I whine and Xavier sits down next to me.

,, Shall we go to Jericho?  We can have a drink in the cafe?" he suggests and I look at him with bright eyes and jump up.

,, Oh yeah!  I want a cocoa!" I say excitedly as we walk out of our room.

Arrived in Jericho we go to the cafe and sit down.  Xavier gets me a cocoa and something for himself too.  He sits down across from me, though I give him a pouty look.

"Could you please sit next to me?" I ask him expectantly and he starts to grin.

He sits next to me and I rest my head on his shoulder as I sip my cocoa.  A few minutes later, Tyler comes over and talks to me.

,, Hey Yn.  Long time no see.  Are you two dating now after all?" he asks and I answer without moving or looking at him.

"No, we're just friends.  But what would that have to do with you?"

He then walks away from our table and Xavier relaxes his gaze again.  I have to laugh and Xavier looks at me in amazement.

"Why are you laughing now?" he asks and I shake my head.

,, Nothing.  It's all ok.  You must have chased him away with your eyes."

He starts tickling me and shortly afterwards we are thrown out of the cafe because we were too loud and disturbed others.

,, Ah no!  My cocoa!  Xavier!!" I pout and he puts his arm around my shoulders and comforts me.

,, I'll make you a better cocoa soon.  Not like Tyler's."

I smile and we head back to the Academy.  Arriving at the Academy, we both go to our studio. We both paint a bit and after a while Xavier goes jogging. I start drawing Wednesday, but after a bit of time I close the studio and go back to our room. I dress in comfortable clothes, maybe Xavier's, but that shouldn't be too bad.  Eventually I notice an open book on Rowan's table.

"A picture of Wednesday and this pilgrim?" I ask myself and at that moment Rowan comes into the room.

"What are you doing?" He asks me angrily and I walk away from the book.

"It was lying openly on your table and it caught my eye.  Is that Wednesday in the picture?" I ask cautiously and I realize that he's getting angry.

"That's none of your business yn!" He says loudly and at that moment Xavier comes into the room.

"Are you all right?" he asks, and that's when Rowan starts an argument and talks about doing something to Wednesday.

The argument between the two is getting worse and I try to step in and stop them.

,, Rowan!  Chill out.  It's not you. I think your power is going to your head!" I try to say calmly, but he uses his telekinesis and pushes me aside and the other moment he's throwing Xavier against the wall.

,,Xavier!" I call out and quickly run to him.

,, Rowan you are crazy!  Go away!" I say loudly and he quickly disappears with the book.

,, Xavier everything okay?  Do you have to go to the hospital room?  Get up first.  Are you okay?" I ask him worried.

,, It's okay.  thank you  Are you worried about me?" he asks as we sit down on his bed.

I look at him worried: ,, Of course!  You are my best friend.  I don't have anyone else, but I don't need them either."

He smiles. Why am I so focused on his smile?  I turn sideways and go to my bed.  I can feel my cheeks getting warm and a smile creeping up on my lips.  What's that now?  In the evening we both lie down and talk a little more.  Rowan hasn't come back yet, if he's coming at all.  At some point I hear strange noises and I get scared.

,,Xavier?  Hey are you still up?" I ask and I hear him turn around and answer tiredly.

"Yes, what is it?"

"There are strange noises.  Don't you hear them?  Can you come over to me please?" I ask and I hear him get up.

Not a second later he was in bed with me and I snuggled up to him.

"Good night, darling," he whispers, and I have to hold back my smile.

"Good night, idiot," I say jokingly, and I sense that he's smiling.

He knows I don't mean it that way.  Right after I snuggled up to Xavier, I fell asleep and didn't notice anything else.

Best Friends -Xavier Thorpe x Reader Fanfiction- [English]Where stories live. Discover now