with a little twist

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"hey, veronica! watch this"

the dark eyed girl, maybe a little over fourteen but still a teen- with curly hair that almost covered her eyes tried shaking the demon statue while imitating 'monster' voice, trying to make her friend scared? laugh? whatever results she was aiming for only ended up being the glare from guide lady.

veronica chuckled at her friend's frozen, pale state. nudged her arm and sent a wink her way that caused a roll of eyes. veronica tried focusing on the lady's words as she tried to ignore her friend that seemed to be already bored of the tour

"and this way, we'll end up in our infamous little room"

the small amount of students made their way into the room, which was- rather small. the room had big circle shaped window in the middle that looked like it was divided in two. one side was full of colors and the other one was blank. the room itself also was pretty much looking like they took two sides of two different rooms and merged them into one. the right side was just like the window, colorful, popped that just screamed unicorn for some reason. and the left side of the room was also matching its window part, all black, grey and a bit spooky even. the furniture still in there, as if someone was still living in there which made no sense at all since nevermore academy was closed long, long ago because of its oldness ( government decided it wasn't a safe place anymore) and only became a museum few couple of years ago, while an academy for outcasts was decided to be rebuilt somewhere else

"so.. what are we suppose to see here?"

"jeoline!!" veronica whisper-yelled at her friend, who just shrugged her shoulders in response

"good question miss Dalton".- the tour guide lady smiled at jeoline and continued talking- "to begin with, this used to be a dorm for nevermore academy. you may ask, what's so special about that? i can't lie to you and say that this place held some magical power, but, the special thing about it was its pair of two students that shared it"

the lady stopped, leaned towards the students a little, locking eyes with jeoline and veronica as if she was only talking to them and began to speak once again

"wednesday addams and enid sinclair"

veronica's eyes widened at the words and looked over at her friend who also seemed to be fazed by the information. students exchanged glanced with each other and the lady smiled, knowing they were starting to get entertained.

"i suppose you guys know them?"

"of course we do!!"

"they were fucking roommates??"

the crowd shared a laugh as veronica covered her eyes with her fingers as a gesture of embarrassment from her friend who still seemed blown

"weren't they enemies who united or something??"

"enemies?? my mom always told me they were best friends"

the lady chuckled at the teens and raised her hand as a gesture of silence before narrowing her eyes

"enid sinclair and wednesday addams were lots of things. they were enemies, they hated each other and from the second they met they knew it. they were also best friends, yes, the opposites from two different worlds yet they worked well, better than with anyone else actually. knew and trusted each other the most. so none of your mothers were wrong about that"

the lady spoke as she walked around the room, making eye contacts with the teens with her hands clasped behind her back and slight smile dancing on her lips.

"but your mothers forgot to mention one thing"

and the lady stopped. right in the middle of the room and watched as everyone was silent, waiting for her to finish her sentence. veronica and joeline glanced at each other, both intrigued with the tour lady's words

"wednesday addams and enid sinclair were lovers"

joeline's mouth slightly parted, shocked and amazed. the once dying-from-boredom girl thinking how much more interesting this tour just became

everybody knew the story about enid sinclair and wednesday addams, well- amongst the outcasts at least. the two young woman were known for their battle against the deadly underground monster. the two very different, powerful girls who united against the monster and fought bravely.

wednesday addams was known back then and now. after all, she was addams. came from a rich family of outcasts and was rather not too much of a happy person, if you could say that. wednesday was always described as spooky and dangerous. the girl was also known for her looks that fazed everyone "the dark princess of night". face of a doll. eyes with no soul that could take breath away from you, small head and rosy, plump lips, freckles and high cheekbones. the beautiful deadly girl killed and tortured for fun. feelings were never in her bag. she made it clear not once that she was not planning to ever love, knowing her family's curse. the addams curse, which was basically them falling in love only once and loving forever deeply, too deeply you could say to the point the already crazy member of a crazy family would become a psychopath just for their loved one. and wednesday didn't wanted any of that

enid sinclair however was the total opposite. the ray of sunshine. out going and most extroverted creature to walk on the planet. pop of a color and sun and rainbows and literally anything associated with it. the sparkly girl as her even managed to befriend wednesday. with her blonde hair, ocean blue eyes and a bubbly personality she could sway anyone with one glance. yet this beautiful girl was far from harmless. with werewolf as strong as hers it took all in her to control it. though she might have wolfed out late for her age, her parents were amazed and scared to see how strong and dangerous the girl's wolf turned out to be. they started training right away to avoid the unwanted incidents that could take place

however none knew how they met, got close or united. that's why everyone has heard the different versions about their relationship. some said they didn't knew eachother and met through the war with the monster(though she didn't know if whatever they were fighting was even a monster). some say they were enemies that were forced to unite to defeat the monster and some say they were friends from the start. yet none has ever mentioned them being anything more and joeline wondered if this lady knew more if she knew about something as hidden as this

the two united saved hundreds of lives by their bravery and didn't back down on anything. were ready to sacrifice everything, even their own lives. by the end of the war people found their bodies, bruised, injured, burnt, laying on the ground. their heads facing each other and hands intertwined.

they died fighting alongside one another. they protected each other and met the eyes of death together. truly a beautiful thing one could witness. now it all finally made sense in jeoline's head. they were in love.

but wait, there must be more. the guide lady must know more.


"but i guess not your parents nor the history would mention that after all"

the lady sighed before grinning and spreading her hands apart a little.

"and we're done for today. lets come back tomorrow to continue shall we? now, if you head back down the hallway you will find a cafeteria there with all the kind of snacks and food you would like! so shoo before i change my mind"

the students started exiting the room one by one and heading downstairs as the lady was also about to she got pulled back by joeline's voice. the lady looked back to see joeline who had still not left the room. veronica standing behind her as the lady eyed them

"anything i could help with?"

joeline parted her lips as she wanted to speak but not getting any words out. the lady stood there staring at the girls for a while before leaning down to their heigh. round sunglasses sliding down her nose and smiling from ear to ear, revealing her fangs. the lady was a vampire?

"you wanna know more about it don't ya? little one"

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