and she had dimples

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"are we sure we won't get caught?"

enid asks with worried and hesitant eyes, looking over her friends who were gathered in her room. yoko, divina and bianca she somehow managed to befriend were all gathered in enid's and wednesday's shared room. bianca groaned, hearing this question for the ninth time since they got here

"girl calm down. I still can't believe this is the first time you're gonna drink"

"and I cant believe this isn't the first time you're gonna drink!!"

"we're seventeen for god's sake"

yoko perked her eyes up at the siren, seemingly offended by her words. bianca only chuckled and raised her hand "except you, obviously"

"yeah, which means we're underage, which means THIS IS ILLEGAL. not even mentioning the fact that we're doing this in school by the way!!"

"so you don't want it? we just watch some movie anyway"

"NO! I mean- no. I want to do it i'm just- i haven't even sniffed it before"

enid looks at the huge vodka bottle, a bowl of lemon pieces and five tiny glasses for each of them

"i don't quite fathom why people think age defines one's ability to drink liquor, although it's just central nervous system depressant that straightens your courage to do something you can't."

"basically a drug" enid facepalms wednesday that looks at her with narrowed eyes

"don't tell me that's illegal as well"

before enid can respond yoko grabs the glass and pours vodka in it until its small amount is spilled on the floor and raises it in the air towards enid

"either way, enid. we're getting you wasted today!! i will personally make sure that your first experience in getting drunk is ELIT."

enid hesitantly took the glass from yoko's and stared at it. took a deep breath, brought the glass to her open mouth, threw her head back and let the liquor slide into her mouth, burning its way down her throat.

the blonde girl cringed at the bitter taste of alcohol once she had it swallowed. she felt herself warm up inside. she looked at her friends to find them staring at her with curious eyes, waiting for her next move

enid sighed and slightly slammed the glass on down on the wooden floor

"one more"

its been an hour after the first time enid has ever brought alcohol near her mouth. the girls have been drinking shots after shots, sharing whatever formed in their minds without a second thoughts and giggling at each others nonsense

even wednesday seemed to after few shots of vodka. enid was rather surprised at the fact that wednesday even let vodka near her lips, as she seemed the type to only drink red wine in a fancy elegant way but after seeing her friend's pale cheeks gaining some color she knew she was wrong. the liquor even effected the addams

after the first shot of vodka, enid, despite the bitter taste the liquor left in her mouth, wanting for more. enid liked it, liked how her stomach started feeling warm out of a sudden, liked how she felt the slight dizziness when trying to focus.

"and then! and then, I could literally feel him burning holes on my face in anger and then I thought I'm fucked anyway, might as well fuck around a little more and you know what I did? I looked at him dead in the eye and said "principal daddy" -

-got expelled from that school right away. still donno how I survived my mom that day"

the group burst into fit of laughter, long gone to register if the story was even funny but who even cared at this point

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