Chapter 4

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I woke up to a loud bang, it sounded like glass shattering. I pulled my blanket off rushing down stairs to see my dad on the couch drinking and i see a broken glass on the ground. "Someone finally woke up, where were you last night?" He slurs taking a sip of his liquor "i went out with Sarah" i say trying to stay quiet.

He stood up putting his drink on the table and walking over to me "you are so stupid and immature you didn't even put your check in my account." He says grabbing a fist full of my hair causing me to wince "dad I'm sorry ill do it today, I swear just please stop your hurting me" i scream and right after i felt a smack to My right check then i was pushed to the floor.

"You better put the check in the bank" he says kicking me in the back and walking away. I pulled myself out of the floor going back up the stairs and into my room. I was finally numb, it was the worst time my world went black. I truly loved my father, I only hated his cruel actions. I pulled myself off the ground and stumbled into the bathroom, I looked up in the mirror seeing the damage my father caused. The blood dripped down my nose, I took a cold towel and wiped my nose.

I knew I had to leave and put my check into the account, i decided to text Sarah and ask her to meet me at the library after. Driving there I couldn't help but let my mind drift off and start to think about Adonis. I know I shouldn't but I wonder if he's thinking about me as well, I kinda hoped he was. When i arrived to the library Sarah was waiting for me at the desk.

She looked glee to see me, as i felt on the inside. The day went on, slow as usual, like always she told me of the new guy in her life, i listened to her rant but I couldn't help but let my own thoughts cloud my mind. Adonis was on my mind, like he had been since the moment I laid eyes on him.

Authors note!!
The next chapter will make you guys happy!!

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