S02: Ep 03- Girlfriends

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For some reason, Gustavo wanted to write a sad and slow breakup song for the guys, and he thought that Carolynn would be the perfect person to do it. Only problem was that Carolynn had never been through a breakup, so she had to improvise. All she ended up doing was watching an old romance movie and writing about it, which worked, but it was obvious that Gustavo wasn't the biggest fan of it. Luckily for Carolynn, he decided to try recording it anyways.

"And right from the start, you had to break my heart." Kendall, Logan, and James sing together, trying to match the tome of the song.

"And now I can't find all the pieces, yeah." Carlos sings a little too happily.

"Cut! Cut!" Gustavo yells, making the boys stop, "Carlos, this is a song about when a girl destroys your heart."

"I wouldn't put it that harshly." Carolynn mutters.

"So, why are you singing so happy?" Gustavo asks Carlos angrily.

"Uh... Because I'm happy?" Carlos shrugs.

"Carlos, just try to remember the first time a girl broke your heart." Kelly suggests.

James laughs, "Uh, for that to happen, he'd have to have a first girlfriend."

The rest of the guys laugh, but Carlos was having none of it, "Die!"

A huge fight broke out in the booth, and Gustavo used it as the perfect opportunity to test what he liked to call his Stop Fight button. He pressed it, letting out a high pitched whine from the speaker in the booth, and the guys all started screaming in pain, and covering their ears to block out the sound.

"The new Stop Fight button works." Kelly shrugs, and Gustavo lets go of the button, making the noise stop.

"Carolynn and I will make some changes to the breakup song, and I'll record you all later..." Gustavo tells the boys, "Separately. Until then..."

Gustavo hits another button that was labeled Eject, and they guys are instantly ejected from the booth. Kelly shrugs again, "The new Eject button works too."

"Yup." Gustavo laughs, before turning to Carolynn and saying, "You know, maybe I'll take over the break up song."

"What? Why? It wasn't that bad." Carolynn wonders.

"You're right. But it's not exactly this deep and emotional break up song." Kelly informs her.

"Well, incase you haven't noticed, I haven't exactly been through a break up. I've never had a boyfriend." Carolynn reminds them.

"She has a point, Gustavo. And it's not entirely helpful that you don't let her date anyone." Kelly agrees.

"Hey! It's not my fault that teen boys are the worst people on the planet." Gustavo exclaims, "But, you're right. Look, why don't you come up with a different song, and I'll take the break up song?"

"Fine." Carolynn groans, before grabbing her stuff and leaving the studio to head back to the Palm Woods to meet Logan.

Once she gets there, she joins Carlos, James, Logan, and Camille by the pool while they tried to find a date for Carlos. When she approaches, James stands up, and offers his chair to her, which she happily accepts.

"What about her?" Carlos's asks, pointing over to a girl by the pool.

"Marcy?" Camille questions.

"I don't know, Los. She has anger issues." Carolynn explains, pointing back over to the girl as she throws on a hockey mask and picks up a chainsaw.

"Okay, how about her?" Carlos asks, pointing to a palm tree.

"That's a palm tree." Logan tells him.

"And she's mine." James laughs, earning a chuckle from Carolynn.

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