A New War

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Brushing down the horses was a good way to destress for me, I had found. When it was too hot to want to wander in the trees, I would enjoy the outdoors by brushing the horses in their shaded barns. At first, the horses seemed weary of me. I'm sure they could smell something off about me. But eventually, they learn to, at the very least, tolerate me. I was in the middle of brushing down a little bay mare when a new, unfamiliar scent came to me. Looking towards the smell, I saw a Native looking young man walk towards the manor. He was tall with braided black hair, feathers embedded in the back, and wore buckskin clothes embellished by beautiful beaded and designs. The newcomer walked swiftly to the manor before knocking on the white door rapidly. He paced back and forth for a little while before he looked up, seeing the door open.

"Kanen'tó:kon?" I heard Connor say, seemingly surprised to the unexpected visitor.

"Yes, my friend." The stranger said. He spoke smoothly and softly, very similar to how Connor spoke.

"What brings you here?" Connor asked, patting the shoulder of his friend. "Is the village all right?" He asked, a worried tone lightly lacing his words.

"For now." said Kanen'tó:kon.

"What do you mean? What has happened?" asked Connor as he stepped fully out onto the white porch. I could plainly hear the concern in his voice. Slowly, I placed down my brush before I quietly made my way over to where the friends were talking.

"Men came, claiming we had to leave. They said that the land was being sold and that the Confederacy had consent it." Kanen'tó:kon shook his head looking down for a brief second, "We sent an envoy, but they would not listen." His voice cracked ever so slightly as he told his friend about what had happened. I had reached just below stairs, but decided to stay back by the carriage, not whating to fully interrupt.

"You must refuse!" Connor said in protest, anger bubbling up in his words.

"We can not appose the Sachum," Connor turned away to one of the tall white pillars, clearly upset , "But you are right as well. We can not give up our home." Kanen'tó:kon said following Connor to the front of the porch. Connor made brief eye contact with me, to which I gave me a sad smile, trying to give him a little comfort from afar.

"Do you have a name? Do you know who is responsible?" Connor asked, turning back to face his friend.

"He's called William Johnson."

I don't know why, but that name seemed to click in Connor. He straightened up, his voice dropping lightly in a dangerous tone. "Where is Johnson now?"

"In Boston, making preparations for the sale."

"Sale?! This is theft!" Connor spat out. The soft voice of Achilles chimed up behind him.

"Connor, take care. These men are powerful." Achilles warned. Connor turned to him, venom and anger in his voice.

"What would you have me do. I made a promise to me people." The old man bowed his head lightly, taking a breath before answering.

"If you insist on this course of action, seek out Sam Adams in Boston. He'll be able to help." he said, resting his hands on his cane. Connor nodded lightly before holding his hand out. Kanen'tó:kon took his hatchet from his belt before placing it in Connor's out reached hand. Connor turned before forcefully buring it into the white pillars, making me jump lightly at the unsuspected reaction.

"What have you done?!" gasped Achilles as he stared down at Connor.

"When my people go to war, a hatchet is buried into a post to signify its start. When the threat has ended, it is then removed." Connor and Kanen'tó:kon turned around as Achilles scoffed out, "You could have used a tree!" The natives seemed not to hear him as they both walked down the stairs. When they reached the bottom, I stepped light in front.

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