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"Everything's going to be fine." A deep voice, comforted her.

Claire, yet again got awaken. She could say she wasn't fazed anymore, but of course it still surprises her how this could go on for so long. It was 6:00 am and it seems like that voice was her alarm. It was now the next week, the remaining days of last week flowed normally. Claire was able to finish most of her tasks except those that would take more days. She's still waiting for a call from Dr. Glassman and really hoping she'd be able to do an interview with him.

Claire pulled herself out of her bed, feeling laziness take over her. The weekend tired me out and I didn't even go anywhere, she thought. She sat up on her bed, spacing out and being in deep thought.

What if my parents were responsible? What if my dad didn't ditch me? What if mom wasn't what she is right now? These were some of Claire's questions. I could be living a better life, not working my ass off to get to college and provide for myself, she thought. She shook those thoughts away not wanting to be discouraged today. She got prepared, like always and made her way to work.

She reached the café at 7:40, later than usual cause she was basically dragging her ass to work. Like always, she opened Onira and cleaned what would be used. By 8:00, she hears a noise from the entrance.

"Good morning welcome to Onira!" She greets whoever was by their entrance.

"Oh it's you!" she hears a voice say which made her lift her head. It was the doctor.

"Oh uh... hello" she greets again.

"You work here?" The man asks which she replies with a yes.

"I didn't expect you to be a barista" he adds

Claire just smiled and said...

"So, what can I get for you sir?"

"An Iced Americano please, thank you." He says

"Ok, that would be $4 sir." He hands her the payment which was the exact amount.

As she was preparing the drink, she hears him ask...

"So where did all your medical knowledge come from?"

"I'm a medical student" she shortly replies and smiles at him so she doesn't seem annoyed.

"New?" he again asks

"No, graduating." She tells him in which he nodded at.

"By the way, Jared Kalu, sorry for the attitude in the OR a few days ago." She sees his hand in front of her asking for a shake.

She shook his hand and said...

"Claire Browne, and it's fine." She hands him his drink which he got.

"I hope I could work with you soon." Jared tells her and she nods.

As she sees Jared turn around to leave, their entrance created a sound which indicated another customer came in.

"You know we're very late right?" she hears a woman speak.

"Yes, but no one would say anything anyway" she again hears a voice, this time a man.

"Oh! Dr. Melendez, fancy seeing you here" she hears Jared say. She lifts her head to see and she was shocked, it was the other doctor from last week, the one she helped communicating with the guy.

"Dr. Kalu, didn't expect you to be here" the Dr. Melendez say

"I'm not usually here, just wanted to try" Neil hears Jared say.

She then hears Jessica call his attention.

"I'm gonna order for us, is yours the usual?" she asks

"Yes, but make it iced for today." With this, Jessica left to order.

"I recommend their coffee, I've been here a couple of times, just wanted to try but they got me hooked." He answers Jared.

He receives a nod from the resident then hears...

"Anyway, I got to go doc, I'll be scolded for being tardy." He chuckled and nods at Jared. Neil had made his way to a table after Jared left waiting for Jessica to finish.

Neil decided to stop by Onira today, this café surely made him addicted to their coffee. He looks at the counter and sees only curly hair, must be a different person by the counter, he thought.

Meanwhile Claire is now asking the woman for their order.

"Good morning, welcome to Onira, what can I get for you today?" She asks

"Good morning, can I get an Iced Americano and a flat white, please" the woman answers

"Okay that would be $7, ma'am" she says which the woman nodded at. She received the exact amount and told the woman to take a seat and she'll serve their drinks to them on the table.

After a couple of minutes, she finishes the drinks and serves it to the two. They thanked her and they stood up and left.

"Thank you and come again!" Claire tells them. The remaining hours of her shift was pretty much normal.

Claire is now making her way to class it was 12:40 pm, she hoped by the time she reaches her classroom, their professor still isn't there. She reaches their room and luckily, she was ahead of their
professor. As the professor was discussing the remaining lessons, Claire received a call. This startled her, but luckily, her phone was on mute. They weren't allowed to use phones in class so she couldn't answer it. After about 5 rings, the call dropped and she received a message.

"Good afternoon, Miss Browne, this is Dr. Aaron Glassman's secretary from St. Bonaventure. Please call me back, if you can." She reads the message.

Claire's eyes widened; she didn't know why they called. Were they gonna tell her they wouldn't be able to do the interview? Claire was thinking of the worst-case scenario which made her zone out in class.

"Miss Browne" a voice echoed

"Miss Browne" it was now louder.

"Miss Browne!" She got startled and sees her professor in front of her.

"If you're not interested with my class, you may leave." This was what she heard from the professor.

"I'm sorry" Claire replies embarrassed and the professor went on and asked another person for an answer. That was bad, she thought. She always paid attention and now she was busy thinking about the phone call.

By 4:00 pm, Claire was done with her classes and she was now preparing to call the secretary again. She pressed the number who had a 'missed call', it rang and rang and it felt like the longest minute of her life.

"Good afternoon, Miss Browne" she hears the secretary say.

"Good afternoon, sorry for not answering your call and calling back quite late. I was in class." Claire tells the secretary.

"No worries, Miss Browne, I would just like to tell you that Dr. Glassman has told me that he'll be available for your interview by Friday, 10:00 am, next week." She hears the secretary say.

This made Claire smile and really excited. Yes, finally, she thought.

"That's really great! Thank you very much." Claire replies.

"That's all have a good evening." The secretary said.

"You too." Claire replied and cut the call.

Claire texted Kayla and told her that they'll celebrate. Just then, she receives a call from her best friend.

"What celebration? For what?" Kayla started asking

"Well, hello. And it's because the interview I needed to do for the last requirement for one of my subjects got approved." Claire replies

"That's really great!" Kayla replies excitedly.

"I know right! That's why send the address of the bar you told me last week, we're gonna celebrate there" Claire tells her.

"Okay no problem it's called Moonlight by the way" Kayla tells her.

"Okay meet you there, you can bring Dash by the way." Claire added.

"You didn't need to tell me." Kayla replied and ended the call which made Claire laugh.

She received the address and decided she's gonna change her clothes first before heading to the bar.

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