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"Everything is going to be fine" a voice says.

Claire startles awake, sitting up, but quickly holds her forehead. She probably has the worst headache in her life. They had partied last night too hard. Today, she was again thankful she picked afternoon classes, but she still had work in the morning. She didn't want to skip just because of a damn headache she caused herself. Claire decided to get up and eat some breakfast before drinking some painkillers.

This same thing is going on with Neil. Audrey, his best friend, had asked him to watch the Spider-Man 3. It has become their tradition to watch the matinee of Spiderman just to remove their stress from work. So how did he get a headache, you ask? Well, after watching the movie, Audrey had told him that she discovered a newly opened bar named 'Moonlight'.

"You know we have work in the morning, right? We can't afford a hangover." Neil tells his friend.

"Well yeah, that's why painkillers exist." Audrey tells him.

"And besides, you have to unwind a little bit." Audrey adds.

After a little bit more of persuasion, he agreed. They had used their respective vehicles, him, his Tesla and Audrey's is her Ducati 800. Audrey went ahead of him just so he knows where to go. When they reached the bar, there were quite a lot of people. He sees Audrey getting down from her motorcycle as he also goes out of his car.

"Neil! Come on!" he hears Audrey call him and he nodded then followed.

As they enter the bar, they were greeted with loud music and noisy people. They sat by the bar island.

"What can I get for you two?" the bartender

"I'm gonna get a whiskey on the rocks" Neil says, typical whiskey guy.

"Won't you like something other than whiskey?" he hears Audrey ask and he shook his head.

"A Moscow Mule, for me" Audrey tells the bartender.

While waiting for their drinks, the table not far from where Neil and Audrey were, got Neil's attention. Neil shifted his attention from the bartender to that table.

"Claire, we want to congratulate you again" a female voice was heard, clearly drunk and loud.

"I haven't even done the interview yet, but thank you" another female voice was heard.

"Oh, please it would go great, I tell you"

"What if I mess it up?" someone asked.

"don't think about it now, it's time to celebrate being able to be given time. Let's party whoo!" a female voice shouted.

Neil brings his attention back to the bartender who finished his drink.

"So, how's it going with Jessica?" he hears Audrey ask.

"It's going fine" He answers her.

"Just fine? She really is sure about not giving you kids?" Audrey asks again

"Auds, I told you don't sweat it. I'm fine not having kids; I could do other activities with other kids to feel like a father" he tells her.

"But you really want to be a father, that's like a lifelong dream" Audrey insists again.

"Yeah, it is, but I also can't imagine a life without her." He tells her.

This conversation was interrupted when someone from the stage was heard talking.

"Let me call on Claire to give us a performance" the guy from the stage says.

Neil roams his eyes around to spot the 'Claire' and sees a woman come to the stage. It was one of the women from the table he was looking at a while ago.

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