prt 1 small town secrets

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7 am.

The sheriffs in crime reached the Bull's house just in time to see Oklahoma leave with his mate along with a rucksack got onto a bike yet just as they were about to leave suddenly tires screeched in front of them.

Next Mac was straight over taking back the rucksack from where they stood all of them saw what was inside the bag meaning at that moment the three teens got arrested for handling stolen goods.

Alice came over blurting out to her boss ''okay I get how this looks but maybe Oklahoma found them under his brothers' bed or maybe his mate had them first but can't you let him off the hook cause he is still processing the loss of his brother''

Mac went over to Johnny whispering ''Speaking of brothers boss I spotted yours drinking at Texas bar again'' Sighing heavenly he left the girls and raced up the street as the bar was just a few seconds from the house but this wasn't the first time he had to go fetch him.

As he turned up to see Ranch on the tables dancing he took an intake of breath suddenly the jaguar arrived in the car park spying on the driver he smirked cause if anyone could knock any sense into his brothers it was his ex.

Amethyst walked in right after Johnny who flashed his badge so Jane cleared out the place and Ranch jumped down going behind the bar only for them to take the bottle away.

Ranch got up close and personally to her.

''Well, look who decided to show her face, how long has it been ten twenty thirty years but you're still the sassy snarky snake you were all them years ago so I'm gonna get a coffee and get back to my job I hear we got a murder on our hand's poison isn't that a woman's choice''

''Yes so sleep with one eye open mate and it's been ten years so you need to get over me doing a background on you cause it's not like we are together anymore now boys as fun as it's been reuniting with you just like he said they're a murder that needs solving so I'm gonna check in with the local coroner''

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