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The rain was beating hard against the windows the sound was as if someone was throwing rocks directly at the window. The night was quite except the violent sounds of rain hitting the ground, the night was dark and it felt as if the wind had stilled to allow the rain to do its job.

Young Matthew stared at the rain through the window, for many four year Olds the sounds emitted by thee raging storm would be scary but to Matthew it was soothing like a song the earth was playing specifically for him.
To say young Matthew was a protégé would be an understatement the boy was akined to a young Einstein. He could play the piano within a month of practice and would frequently engage in and supparse his fellow youngsters in conversation.

One thing Matthew was sure of was that he hated humans and preferred nature. The smoldering heat of the summer where temperatures would go upto 34°c was not spent outside eating shaved ice that Mrs cornway made rather it was spent under the oak tree in the backyard where Matthew would converse with the little creatures however if you asked him he would not tell you.
The daily gathering of tiny cretins always scared Matthew but the harsh winter storms always assured him that there is indeed beauty out there in the world.
Young Matthew was smart he couldn't understand the world or pain, the hospital always perplexed him, the people forming lines, crying and being happy he never understood. It was at the hospital that he discovered nature and its beauty, on one of his many dreary visits to the hospital, they were caught in a rain storm and as he wandered away from the horde in the lobby he ventured towards a giant window were it seemed the world had stopped just for the rain, no people walking around and the rare person would run as if their lives depended on it, the rain was loud and demanded respect and fear.

That is when Matthew fell in love for the second time in his short lifetime, he dreamed to be like the rain and make people fear and respect him, make people not dare be near him or those who attempt to  then run as quickly and far away as they can.

Then a loud scream removed him from his stupor he dared for the first time to look away from the window to the scene in front of him.  Hoping to turn around and see his first love, his first memory and his lifeline but there was nothing there but a husk if he did not know better he would have said the thing on his parent's bed was not human but he knew that there lay a human being barely alive.

The person turned their head towards Matthew and they strached their arms towards him, they tried to talk but only croaking filled the room, Matthew was not scared because his earliest memory of the person was this, this was his reality and not four year old imagination.

The husk shook violently all whilst it was staring at him he heard shouting and was immediately picked up from the room and placed in the hallway, the last thing he saw  before the door shut were those once beautiful full of life blue eyes.

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