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The office was small and the heat wave was making the room stuffy, the three cramped were not making it easier. He was short maybe 5'2 and he was so stuffed in that shirt the buttons were holding on to dear life, his gut was so big combined with tge the short stature made him look like a over stuffed bratwurst. The sweat was running down his face dropping down into his glasses making him swipe his forehead every second, he was running around the small space between the desk and cabinets, the files were flying in the room.

Mr Brown was sitting awkwardly in the small chair watching the weird shaped man running around in a huff, the old rusty air conditioning unit was filling the dead space with its noise it sounded like an engine dying which he was sure that was what was happening in that small room. He had left his job early and he was not happy that this odd man did not bother to prepare for the meeting despite being the one who requested it.

The principal's office was not the way he wanted to spend his Tuesday afternoon, this was their day the time of the week they spent together ever since that day. He was going to buy flowers but now Mr Kinglond's flower shop was going to close while he was cramped here with the fat finger Ed man being an unorganized pick, the boy couldn't speak out as it ran in the family to not be vulnerable with strangers as it was good blackmail material. So he sat there like many times before wallowing in his pain and annoyance.

"Afternoon Mr Brown, you would forgive me for taking so long, I am in the process of moving so the office is not as organized." Mr Norman's voice boomed around the small room.
"It is all good sir." Mr Brown lied through his teeth.
"Well it is okay let's get on, Matthew here is a remarkable young child, who is going to be an important person in the world." Mr Brown interjected into the conversation " Now that is all good but why did you call us here if you're going to praise my son."

" Well, there has been reports that he has been using the chemistry lab whithout any supervision, while it is good that he wants to learn it is a big concern that he will have an accident where he might get badly hurt. " The principal read from the file on his desk." I might be forced to expell him for his own good, which I would hate for such a smart child get his life ruined by being expelled. "

Mr Brown was flabagastered, he never thought his son would do something like this but he also did not know him well enough to make that statement, it was times like these when he wished his Felicia was still alive as she would know how to care for Matthew.
"I hope you don't make the choice to expell him, I would do anything to keep him away." Mr Brown hated groveling but for his son's sake he hoped to appeal to the Fatman.

"Mr Brown I won't make that choice yet but we have came up with a solution that might work." The principal said hurriedly. "I talked with his chemistry teacher and he said that we could move up Matthew 2 grades to help him, meaning he would go to our high school extension buthe would only be doing chemistry as we still want him to socialize with his peers."

Mr Brown was ecstatic that his son would not be expelled." Anything to keep him from trouble we will take it. " Mr Brown was embarrassed at how excitable his voice was he did not want to show weakness to other people.

Matthew on the other side could not care at all about the happenings of the rom, he had tuned out the men's voices a while back all he was thinking about was that this was the day, it was Tuesday the only day in the week he visited his mother's grave.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2023 ⏰

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