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Kenni: girllll wakkkkkkeeee up

Tyler: oh my god im going to go sleep with my door locked 

Kenni: wont work I will just pick that motherfucka but girlll guess what 

Tyler: I heard you kenni you don't even know him 

Kenni: im engaged

Tyler: I told you about smoking weed 

Kenni: nope like ty im engaged see look 

I opened my eyes and saw a big ass rock on her finger , damn she must have some special powers going on in her pussy. Trey asked her to marry him a complete stranger. 

Kenni: Im goin to be Mrs Tremaine Aldon Neverson 

Tyler: woah wait a minute kenni you don't know this man

Kenni: excuse me I do know him been listening to him since gotta make it and his mixtapes 

Tyler: kenni doesn't mean you know him. Just cuz you rock with his music 

Kenni: ty can you be happy for me ( tears forming )

Tyler: kenni 

She looked up at me with tears in her eyes, ugh this is the most crazy shit I have ever heard but she my best friend so I have to support her. 

Tyler: Aahhh your engaged 

Kenni: I know ( hug)  the wedding isn't for two years though 

Tyler: okay

Kenni: but im moving out 

Tyler : what bout school 

Kenni: ill still do my online classes but im moving in with trey 

Tyler: wow this is moving by so fast 

Kenni: Girl im in love trey said it was love at first sight. Let me tell you our love story 

I wiped my eyes and sat up, this girl has all my attention because I need to know how she got a complete stranger to ask her to marry her. all in one night

Kenni: okay so after I went backstage and I left you speaking of which I saw august giving you that look. But Ill ask you about that when im done  it my turn right now

Tyler: okay go ahead since you wanna act like anna 

Kenni: huh 

Tyler: getting engaged to some one you don't know duh ( rolls eyes) just tell me the story Kenni 

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