Zoro's Relationships Drabble : Usopp

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Zoro hated feelings. Feelings are hard. People were hard to deal with, and people were predictable or unpredictable.

So when he realized he kept glancing at Usopp longer than the last, Zoro realized he needed a drink.


Two bottles in, he finally found the answer. Zoro has a thing for Usopp. It makes perfect sense. Never believe people when they say he is stupid regarding relationships or feelings. He was perfectly aware. Zoro thought it was just hard work.


Zoro gritted his teeth, realizing that Usopp and this feeling would be a pain in his ass. Drinking some more sake, his mind was coming up with ideas or answers on how this "feeling" happened. He didn't have this feeling for Usopp when she was a dude, but now he does?

Usopp was the same, an open book. Usopp was the same. The one thing different about her was that she had tits and shit. But this feeling isn''t lust and desire. And yes, he has that, but it was something entirely different. He found himself smiling thinking about her, his mood changing whenever she was in the room, or the smug pride when she came to him for an idea or a problem.

So when did it start?


Well, his feelings he didn't have any idea of it, but maybe the word "crush" may have come from when she took a bullet for him. Okay, granted she made something to stop the bullet, but she still took it for him. He remembered screaming at her, worrying, sadness, and guilt in his mind. He beat his enemy faster to help with Usopp.

He stopped, his mind relieved and confused when Usopp beamed at him with her proud grin. "It worked!! "The Bullet Stopper worked!" "Stupid idiot! "What if it hadn't?!" "Well, it did." Zoro didn't yell at her for two weeks for saving his ass, but he made sure she didn't pull that shit again.

Embarrassment and self-discovery

Zoro was embarrassed when she started to praise him. Okay, when Usopp was a dude, Usopp's praising was different. Sure, it was genuine, but it didn't really make an impact on him. But now? All she had to do was say "good job" and his cheeks were red for hours.

And it was easy to please Usopp. All you had to do was do something cool. Or it was just the crew. She was salty and hard to please when they were on different islands. Is he into praise? Did it get him off? Does it make him feel wanted? yes.

Anger and more embarrassment

The damn woman didn't even know the impact she had on him! She praised him all of the time! And top it off, she started to praise his body!

"Nice pecs dude!"

"Jesus your arms are huge! "Nice work!"

"Damn, nice abs."

This woman was driving him fucking crazy. She was open book, but he couldn't even tell she was into him!

Zoro was on the fourth bottle.


Usopp was stronger than before. Physically, and mentally. Her strength was at his level when he was nineteen. Not to boast, but he was strong as fuck when he was that age. Once, when he was drunk, he drank so much he couldn't move. Usopp stared at him, called him a dumbass, then picked him up effortlessly. Looking back, he was pretty sure he called her hot. Don't get him started on how Usopp was mentally stronger now. Sure, she had insecurities, but now, she was reliable and wasn't so negative.

Devotion and Trust

Usopp was trustworthy, reliable, and devoted. He sees her all of the time making inventions to better herself, the crew, or the ship. (Franky is a proud bro) She puts in the work, even when she doesn't have to. She was devoted to saving everyone, and yet she insists that she is a coward. He was devoted too.


He was a man with desires. He knows he has desires and will deny them, but he knows it is there. He will deny these desires, and keep denying them. But when Usopp wears tight clothing, less clothing, or does a different outfit, he will be in the shower trying to cool off.

He felt like when he was fifteen again, his body being horny all the time. Usopp's hair was smooth and thick, perfect for grabbing. Her hands were small, perfect for holding onto him and holding his. Her lips are perfect for biting and kissing. Yes, he will deny these desires, but he will enjoy the mental picture of them


He was in love. He was in Usopp.  


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2022 ⏰

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