Day 12-I just wanted to tell a joke

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{Steve has joined the Chatroom}

{Tony has joined the Chatroom}

{Bruce has joined the Chatroom}

{Clint has joined the Chatroom}

{Loki has joined the Chatroom}

Steve: GUYS!!! I've got a joke

Clint: okay tell us

Steve: knock knock?

Tony: oh someone is at the door! BRUCE!!!

Bruce:*runs down the stairs* yeah?

Tony: there is someone at the door

Steve: guys?

Bruce: really? Let's open it! *opens door*

Clint: *enters**closes door*hello I'm here to fix your microwave

Tony*gasp* but our microwave is missing!

Steve: REALLY GUS!?!

Bruce: oh look someone else is knocking at the door, do you mind?

Clint: I paid by the hour anyways

Loki:*enters house holding a gun* PUT YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR I STOLE YUR MICROWAVE!!!!

Tony & Bruce: AAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!

Clint: but it's broken.....

Loki: oh.....can you fix it?

Clint: yep

Loki: okay hurry up my hot pockets are waiting

Clint: sure

{Clint has left the Chatroom}

{Loki has left the Chatroom}

Bruce: well there goes our Microwave.....

Tony: let's buy a new one

Bruce: ok

{Tony has left the Chatroom}

{Bruce has left the Chatroom}


{Steve has left the Chatroom}

{Thor has entered the Chatroom}

Thor: DID I WIN YET!?!

Thor:*sigh* I'm never going to win am I??

{Thor has left the Chatroom}

{Nat has turned off invisibility}

Nat: BLACKMAIL BOX!!!!*screenshots*

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