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Just going to leave a picture of Chen in all his Hogwarts glory (Anyone here an EXO-L? A.R.M.Y? Shawol?)

I was tagged by Loki_is_amazing (check out her own "Avengers Chatroom", It's currently on hold but it's actually pretty great) here are the rules:

1. You must write down the rules.

2. You must answer all 13 questions and then make 13 questions for your tribute to answer.

3. Complete 13 questions in 7 days, then pick 13 tributes. You can include the person who tagged you as a tribute.

4. Make up a name for this tag.

5. Write down who made you tribute.

Let's begin with the questions. :3

Q: What's your favorite thing to do during the summer?
A: Anything that has nothing to do with socializing and going outside. I could have sworn I felt my skin burn last time.

Q: Would you rather drink coffee all your life or tea?
A: Coffee stops me from growing and tea stains my teeth (props to that Supernatural fic that warned me)

Q: If you could date one of the Avengers, who would you date?
A: Tony Stark. If I can't marry him, he better marry the two guys I ship him with.

Q: Everlark or Everthorne?
A: Everlark has the most beautiful feels ever I just uuuugh

Q: Who watches Teen Wolf? :3
A: I don't watch Teen Wolf, though I see commercials of it EVERYWHERE.

Q: Would you rather be a werewolf or a vampire?
A: Vampire. I don't go outside anyway :3

Q:What's your favorite book?
A: Picking my favorite book is like picking which way to die will be more painful.

Q: Who's your favorite author?
A: Uhh...Misha Collins?

Q:Stucky or Stony?
A: Shit...uh...Clintasha?

Q: Pie or Cake?
A: I'm to busy laughing at the Dean Winchester reference to answer.

Q:What's your favorite tv show?
eh I'll just go with Friends :3

My questions:

1. Favorite Actor?

2. What is your favorite writing prompt that you wish to work on, but never had the time?

3. What is your embarrassing story?

4. Have you ever worn Crocs.?

5. How many times do you have an existential crisis in a year?

6. What do you look like in real life?

7. What are your thoughts on the word "bae"

8-9. Have you ever tried searching your name on the urban dictionary? And if you did, what does it say?

10. What's your favorite genre?

11. Did you ever try to kiss a mirror?

12. On a scale of 1 to Australia, how dangerous is going outside for you?

13. Have you ever been to a gym?

I tag:

Lilpandawolf _MyCrazyLittleWorld_ BloodShatteredQueen Loki_is_amazing Place_of_fangirls TwentyOne_Gina An_Asshole_At_Win fangirl1336 amill294 GeminiHarrison xThoria Steven-Rogers-  illusionxnjh

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