He meets your parents (Dean)

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A/N: I'll get Sams and Castiels soon... I hope.
After loads of begging you finally got him to agree to meet your parents. You weren't sure how they were going to their 'little girl' dating a bad boy but you were convinced that after a while they'd love him almost as much as you do. Dean was nervous, you could tell by the way he kept drumming his finger on the steering wheel and bouncing his knees.

"Babe, calm down. They'll love you." You say hoping it was true.

"I've never had to meet parents before. I don't know how to act around them." He says. The pace of his knee became alarmingly fast... almost in humanly.

You look out of the window and see your only round the corner from your parents house. After a few seconds you were in your parents driveway.

You grasp his hand firmly in reassurance as you walk to the door. You and Dean share a look as you reach up to knock the door. Your mother answers after a second.

"(Your name)!" She shouts beaming with excitement as she gives you a tight hug. Looking over your shoulder she sees Dean. "And I'm guessing your Dean! Oh Honey he's even cute than you described!" She says giving Dean a hug. "Come in, then!" She said moving out of the way of the door.

You take Dean's hand again and walk into your childhood home. You mother leaves you both to go and get your father.

"She loves you!" You say happily pecking his cheek.

"That wasn't as bad as I imagined. One down one to go." He said smirking slightly.

"Stop being so dramatic. Their not a hunt, none of them are going down." You say rolling your eyes.

"Angel!" You hear you father call happily.

"Hey dad! This is my boyfriend Dean." You say before pulling him into a hug. "Be nice." You hiss into his ear before pulling away.

"Ahh... so this is Dean." He say looking Dean up and down.

Dean shifts under your father's scrutiny. "Yes Sir. I'm Dean Winchester." He says reaching a hand out to shake your father's. Your father takes his hand and shakes it firmly.

"So Dean, you got a job?" This was the question you and Dean were both dreading but just in case someone did ask you and Dean practiced answers.

"Yes Sir. I work at a garage with my brother and uncle." Dean said with a straight face.

"Your father don't work there?" Your father asks with a raised eyebrow.

"Dad!" You scold but neither of them pay you any attention.

"He died a few years ago, Sir." Dean said sounding a little sad. He'd never really gotten over his father's death.

"I'm sorry to hear that, Son." Your father said. "I'm sure that was hard for all of your family."

"Actually it's only me and my little brother. The uncle I mentioned is an old family friend but we've always seen him as an uncle."

Your father couldn't help but like this guy. He'd been through so much with the loss of his mother and father but still seemed strong. Your father knew he'd be able to take care of you and make you happy and from that day he's always thought of Dean as a son.

Your mother loved him from the start and could see the love he held for you. She knew that he'd love you forever and you would never be lonely with out him. Plus it did help that he was smoking hot but she loves your father no matter what and would never screw up your relationship.

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