3 hours to doomsday

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It was Monday and the people did their daily routine. Children went to school; parents went to their respective offices. The buses are plying, people are enjoying, visiting places. In America, people are celebrating Sundays, the markets are buzzing with people, in Ghana tribal people are chasing some animals, Paris ....people are visiting monuments and praising them, some officers are on duty, employees are working in their offices, people are celebrating special things such as birthdays, anniversaries as usual a normal day.

 No one knew about the great danger that was coming. This news first came on the biggest news channel throughout the world .The news had great effect on the people.

Boundaries over India-Pakistan, Israel-Palestine, Iran-Iraq and China-Japan being fought. Civil war in Syria, Chad, Ukraine and so many countries across the globe continuous without people knowing the fate of the world and major Doomsday being created.

Children dying because of not getting any food in many African countries, people of Eastern Europe, Africa and Asia are not having access to drinking water, medicine, infrastructure and other basic facilities without knowing the fate of the world expected in 3 hours time.

Meanwhile, the junior Scientist, Dr. Lal, called his family. He has come to know about the most crucial information passes it on to his wife. He told them about the great danger that was lurking. She listened to him quietly and then cut the phone. He did all of this secretively. He didn't want to lose his job. Meanwhile his wife, Sudha left for the school to pick-up her children from their schools. On the way she informs about the doomsday to her relatives and friends.

    Maldives, Caribbean Island & Fiji Islands were under water overnight and no one could be saved. There was chaos across the Governments who were aware of these developments. No one could dare to communicate these extreme developments to the people of the country fearing the chaos, fear and emergency amongst people. News was very secretively distributed amongst very senior Govt. officials and so on.

Flights were cancelling without given proper reasons and Zara was very excited about travelling to Maldives all alone. She is part of the cultural exchange program with Maldivian Society for Modern Living. Now she had to inform authorities and at home. Calling is not helping, no call being picked-up by friends in Maldives. Something is very wrong, she believed. Moves to Govt. Secretariats, where her dad works for PMO as chief intelligence officer. Zara gets a call, "you shouldn't take flight to Maldives today", dad says.

Why dad, I have very important meetings today and tomorrow. Please tell me what's happening, no one is picking-up phones there. I am very worried about the people there.

"You have to brace for very serious news", and then disconnects the phone.

The NEWS splashed over all TV channels, people asked to brace for the biggest life threatening catastrophe because of global warming. Showed pictures from satellites of countries where water has gone above all levels and have no sign of those lively countries.

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