Crash- Nate Ruess

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heyooo!! new story time :D! you are all excited for my terrible writing skills. ok so a few things you need to know about this story..


"PUT ME DOWN NOW!!" I shouted. Oh hey brain, kinda busy here but lemme tell you what is going on.... I was walking to work mid day on an alley. Not one of my best choices, eh. Anyways, while I was walking some drunk guy came up to me (dont ask why he is drunk in the middle of the day..), and picked me up and said he was going to take me back to his apartment. So now, I am on this guy's shoulder, pleading for him to put me down.. not really working out. I'm not the strongest person... as you can probably tell.

"NO! you're coming with me now." the guy looked across the empty street, check both ways, then walked across the street. I heard a sqeaul of a car break, and someone shouting lookout..


*beep, beep, beep, beep..* I woke up to find me in a white room with a doctor occupying it, filling out some papers. I noticed a guy sitting across from the medical bed in a chair with his face buried in his hands.

"He-hello..?" I croaked. Their heads both shot up at me.

The doctor paced over to me, "Hello,, miss," he looked over to the table with a clipboard on it, "Kelsey. How are you feeling?"

I cleared my throat and responded, "Fine. But, why am I here?"

He frowned. "You were hit by a car while some man was carrying you."

"Oh yeah.." I remembered.

"Did you know that man, by any chance?" he asked.

"No, I was walking in an alley heading to work and he found me, clearly drunk, and he said he was taking me to his house."

"Oh, okay. I'll be right back, I have to go talk with police."

I nodded my head as he turned and left. The man I forgot was there, stood 

up and walked over to me. "Hey," he looked down at me. His eyes were red, he must've been crying.

"Hi.." I said shyly. I looked down and fiddled with my hands. "Who are you?"

He knelt down next to the bed. "I kinda.. hit you and that guy with my car.. I'm really sorry.." he said shakily.

"It's fine."

"Well, my name is Nate. I think we are gonna become great friends because they said you had no home to go to, so I felt bad I hit you with my car, so I offered." he said while standing up.

It was true, I lugged a bag of clothes around and jumped houses. One night I'd be over at my friend's house, then the next to my grandparent's.

"Oh. Thanks." I didn't really know what to say. I eyed his brown quiff-ish hair, his striped button up long sleeve, suspenders, knickers, and loafers. This man was really hot. I'm pretty sure he was looking at me the same way. I was snapped out of my thoughts when the doctor opened up the door.

"Do you think you're up to leave, Kelsey?"

I nodded my head and slowly got up.

"Holy Cow that hurts." I heard Nate trying to hold in his laugh. I picked up my clothes and headed to the room's bathroom to change into my oversized sweater, skinny jeans, and oxford's. I walked back out and handed the doctor the hospital dress. I could feel Nate eyeing me.

"Ready?" he asked.

"Yeah" I said. I grasped my bag and headed out the door. I reached in it and pulled out my 'hipster glasses' 

or whatever you wanna call them. I ran my hair through my reddish-brown hair in it's ponytail.

Nate opened the door for me, and paparazzi were outside, flashing cameras. 'What the..?" I thought to myself.

"Cover your face," he whispered to me, and I did as I was told. We made it to his car as they departed.

"Why were those photographers out there?" I asked Nate.

"Well, I'm actually in a band.. Fun.? Heard of us?"

I traced my thoughts. "Doesn't ring a bell. I don't have much time to listen to music. I don't have a car or a house, so I really can't."

"Then let me sing to you." he smirked.

If you're lost and alone, and you're sinking like a stone, carry on...

He sang a few lines from that song. Let me tell you, the butterflies in my stomach exploded. He was an anazing singer. He hit high and low notes. He 

finished and I gaped at him.

"Do you sing?" He asked.

I cleared my throat. "I chimed in with a 'haven't you people ever heard of, closing a ...door?' No!" I sang out. Panic At the Disco, the only band I knew.

"You got a voice yourself!"

I blushed and thanked him. He turned the radio up slightly.

It was getting dark, I leaned my head on the car window. I started to close my eyes, and I fell asleep.


"Kelsey, we're ho-" I looked over to the passenger side, where she was fast asleep. Her face was scrunched up, and she was smiling. "How adorable..." I whispered to myself. I quietly got out of the car and went to her side. I opened the door and got her out of her seat safely. I grabbed her bag and shut the door. I grabbed the keys from my pocket and I opened the door.

"YO NATE! WHERE YOU BEEN BRO?" I heard Jack shout. He and Andrew came to the door. I gestured not to be loud. I checked and made sure Kelsey was still asleep. They both raised their eyebrows at me, like something went on between us.

"I'll tell you when I put her to sleep."

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