Chapter 15

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This has a little of like Out On the Town stuff bewareeeeeee. If you haven't listened to it, LISTEN TO IT. its their bonus track on Some Nights.

Nate woke up cold. It was dusk, he "couldn't sleep at all last night. He finally went to bed at 1:00 PM.

"There's no one to keep me warm.." he said to himself as he looked into the mirror again.

His phone rang and he looked and saw it was his mom. He picked it up and answered as best as he could, "Hello?"

"Hi Nate!" her perky voice chirped. "How are you and Kelsey doing!?" the usual lump in his throat came back.

"M-mom, two days ago.." he stopped and tried to figure out how to word it.


"Kelsey and I had a little argument.. a-and she's not here anymore.."

"Aww sweety. I'm sorry for asking. Do you want to talk about it?" she asked dearly.

"No thanks mom.. i have to go. Love you, bye"

"Love you.." she faintly said.

Nate's mom really liked Kelsey. They got along so well together.

He had to get his mind off of things. Nate fixed his hair and clothes and freshened up a big and decided to take a walk.

"I'm going out for a while" he said to Jack and Andrew. Nate walked out the door and walked to the nearby cafe. He ordered a coffee and sat down and checked his phone. Same texts from his other friends as when him and Rachel broke up.

"Figures.." he said to himself. He took his last sip of coffee and walked out of the store.

He wanted to see Kelsey again. They didn't have to talk, he just needed to see her. So he walked to Molly's house. Yeah, it was a bit creepy of an idea, but he needed to.

He found his way there and walked around the house trying to see in the windows. The one window in the back. He peeked in, and saw her laying on the bed. She wore a frown and bags under her eyes on her face. Mascara was ran down her face, and eyeliner was under her blue eyes like a raccoon. He was almost certain she was listening to "All Alone", but he couldn't make it out. He picked up a stone, and tossed it around in his hand. Nate got in the stance to throw it, but hesitated. She would be scared if she heard this.

"What's the point anyways?" he said to himself. He threw it on the ground and looked back up. He noticed she turned off the light and turned towards the window. Nate ducked down and quietly left back to his house.

-Kelsey's new room and POV-

I lay in my bed, thinking of what I was going to do with my life. I've been listening to "All Alone" on replay the whole entire day. What was I supposed to do? Molly would need me to move out sooner or later. I needed to see Nate again. I unlocked my phone and tapped the pictures icon. I opened the album titled "Nathaniel and I <3", Nathaniel because it's eventually what I began to call him when we were acting like two year olds. I clicked the first picture of his arms wrapped around me, my hands on his, smiling with our lips. The next one, same position, but our noses were touching and we smiled with our teeth this time, eyes closed. I kept flipping through, each and every one.

"This isn't enough," I said to myself. I went to and looked at concerts around the area. New York City. The date was in one week. I clicked on it to see the prices, Suprisingly cheap. I walked downstairs.

"Wey hey" Molly sang when I approached her.

"Would you and Jordan like to see Fun. with me in two days?" I smiled.

She asked him and he agreed. I bought the tickets and checked to see when they'd be here. "They'll arrive in this abode in four days!"

"We have to go shopping tomorrow. It's a tradition!" Molly jumped up and down.

"Okay!" I joined her in the fangirling event. "I'm gonna get some rest then. Goodnight" I smiled and walked back upstairs.

'One week...' I thought, 'Till I see him again..'

First person POV was back for once! I didn't mean to at first, but then I got so far I was just like oh whale .___. ITS ABOUT TO GET SRZZZ UP IN HERE

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