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Danny walked into the room.
"How are you feeling?" He asked.
"Fine...I think my mom is coming," I explained.
"What? This family sometimes."
He left the room, and Nora came back into the room with clean clothes. I sat up.
"Let's go on a walk," she continued. "After your dress, of course."
I was confused, but I got dressed anyway. I met Nora outside on a deck. We walked a little bit into the forest, and I saw a dangerous obstacle course at my feet. Knives were strung up in trees with pressure plates under them. As well as a pit of spikes. Nora brought out a camcorder.
"Test one." She said.
Nora then came up behind me.
"You are the reason why your parents aren't around. They never wanted you!" Nora said.
It wasn't just her voice but the voice of the guy from my dream.
"STOP!" I screamed.
"Why do you think they gave you away when you were eight? You were too much of a burden!"
"Why do you think they handed you off to Kaite!"
I felt an energy go through my body.
"I said shut up!"
The energy was suddenly released through Nora, and she hit the tree.
"Oh my god!" I began to panic.
She then looked up at me.
"No, sweetie, I'm okay!" She responded.
Suddenly, everything went white for a second, and I woke up in a forest. I looked at my hands.
"Am I a monster?" I asked myself.
"Yes." The man's voice responded.
I began to calm myself down, taking a deep breath. When I was finally back to normal, the silver disappeared. Blood began to drip onto my hands, and I touched my nose and saw that's where the blood was coming from. I began to make camp for the night. I fell asleep by the fire, thinking about what had happened that day.

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