Doses of Sugar (Hands)

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"Good luck honey. Have a great day." I hung up the phone and threw it on my bed creating creases around it.

Today was my first lesson with Roseanne and I decided to come up with a plan to get started on teaching her. That's if she was being sincere about the whole teaching thing and I was being oblivious because I was super excited to teach and share my love of art with someone.

I put a lot of supplies into my bag and a large notebook carrying my easel in my hand. As I walked with every step you could hear the objects clashing together as I went down stairs.

I arrived to the building that Roseanne had told me she lived in and even told me the floor number giving me a double number. Stepping into the elevator I realized that it was the top floor.

I rocked myself back and forth with my toes and heels and bit my lip as with each second that the elevator rode up getting closer to her place little by little. I took a deep breath as the doors slid open revealing one small hallway with a single door at the end. The lock was powered by a finger print. Her fingerprint.

I brought my arm up to knock on the right side of the door but the door was swung open flicking my wrist and hitting the atoms that made up the air instead.

"Hi." Her blonde hair was raining over her shoulders like flowing silk fabric. She was wearing an all black outfit again but this time she was exposing more of her chest and shoulders than yesterday. I giggled at the fact that she would've been better off wearing this yesterday as she sat in the blazing sun.

"Hello Roseanne." She stepped aside allowing me into her beautiful penthouse. The kitchen was the first thing to step in with the most up to date technology and a fixture to hold her wine glasses upside down from her cupboard. The island had a double electric stove, the ovens behind and next to the double microwaves and her refrigerator. She had a chefs refrigerator and I knew because my mom begged my father to get her one for Mother's Day and he fulfilled her wishes.

Walking to the living room were two sets of stairs one that led up and below those sets of stairs were ones to go downstairs. Next to the stairs was her large L shaped couch and a Japanese style center table adorned with a pothos plant. The leaves wrapped around each and every surface of the table making them one. In front of her sofa was a beautiful marble wall fireplace and above the largest yet thinnest TV I've ever seen.

"We'll be going downstairs. That's where my studio is."

Walking down the stairs and into the room she had everything set up as if she was waiting for the moment to meet someone who would teach her. Except she already had paintings. Hanging on the wall, stacked against each other, all over the floor but they had some sort of art. Some sort of color or mark.

"Wow.. remind me why I'm here again?" I examined one of her paintings and immediately recognized the building being depicted. It was the cafe we met at.

"You're teaching me how to draw people." My thoughts went through some relief realizing what she meant and erasing my thoughts that I was just about to be murdered by a rich and sexy woman.

I set my easel next to hers extending everything to the size that hers was. I placed my large notebook and took my supplies out. She had a table that moved around with the support of the wheels at the bottom. She set it next to my easel silently telling me to use it to place my supplies which I did happily and organized them neatly. She also handed me a chair to sit in mirroring her set up completely. "Ready whenever you are."

The whole lesson was going great and I tried to be as detailed as possible. After drawing my set of hands I told her that she could use any type of reference to help her. "What about you?" She asked me as she held her pencil with a grin.

Sugar Skin (Rosé x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now