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(A/n ok I only now realised I haven't told you the ages of stray kids and y/n in this fic, also we'll pretend this is a highschool you have to be in till you're 19 and that 10th grade can be from when you're 15-17 and 11th grade can be from when you're 17-19 for ... reasons ig

So here it is in order of oldest to youngest

Bangchan- 17
Leeknow- 17
Changbin- 16
Hyunjin- 16
Han- 15
Felix- 15
Seugmin- 15
Y/n- 15
I.N- 15  )

Minhos pov

I walked back into class slamming the door behind me , I glared at mrs choi.

" lee minho, how dare you disrupt  my lecture again" she said

" oh, how dare I disrupt your lecture?" I took a step closer , anger coursing through my veins " no, how dare you still give y/n detention even though its your stupid fault you brought back childhood trauma and have been doing so every day of every week. You're lucky he hasn't had this big of a mental breakdown before! The fact that you are too dumb to realise it's your stupid fucking cane that is causing the problem just goes to show how much of a sadistic self centred and downright annoying bitch you are. Give me detention for saying it , but it will just prove to me that I'm right "

I continued glaring daggers at her

Suddenly jeongin stood up " hes right, y/n doesnt deserve that kind of treatment just because he has shitty parents " he announced , I believe him and y/n were friends because of dance class " and, if he and jisung have to get detention. So do I,  I have nothing but time on my hands . Why not waste it in detention "

I noticed the rest of our dorm members getting a bit worried for our maknae

" yknow what, you two , out. No, the entire stray kids dorm , out. I cant deal with your drama" mrs choi pointed to the door " all of you are in detention after school"

My nostrils flared and I continued glaring until bangchan patted my shoulder,  a signal that it was time to leave .

All of us piled out of the door and were met by hyunjin felix y/n and jisung

" so, how did it go?" Asked jisung

" minho and jeongin got us all in detention " said changbin

" so the opposite of what was meant to happen " said jeongin sheepishly

Y/n walked up to him and hugged him

" thanks for trying " he said before pulling out of the hug " so ,when is the detention?"

" afterschool ,today" bangchan informed them

" ugh, it's too early in the week for this " hyunjin whined

" well look on the bright side" I said " you guys all get to formally meet my best friend " I patted y/ns shoulder " go on then, introduce yourselves unless you already know him. Because that's weird, so felix hyunjin jisung jeongin back off."

" hi, I'm changbin" changbin shook their hand " that one is bangchan" bangchan waved "and that's seungmin " seungmin waved

" hi, nice to meet you all" y/n shook bangchan and seungmins hands

" so, what does everyone have last period?" Asked seungmin " just so we can ,yknow, find a good place to meet up and walk to detention together "

" I have dance last, with y/n and felix " said jeongin

" I have math" hyunjin rolled his eyes " I think with bangchan and jisung"

" yeah" bangchan nodded

" I have science " said changbin "alone."

" and me and seugnmin have vocal practice " I announced

" wait, they're all in the north block arent they?" Asked jisung, we all nodded " perfect,  we meet up in the bathroom on the bottom floor"

There were only two floors per building, apart from the dorm ones, so it couldn't be that hard to remember.

Suddenly the bell went

" alright, everyone meet north block bottom floor bathrooms after last period " chan instructed " see you all later "

Y/ns POV

The group split up all walking in different directions , me jisung and seungmin however all had band together . Band wasnt optional, you had to do it whether you liked it or not in this school.

" So" seungmin broke the silence "hyunjin told us yesterday that you" he looked at jisung " were doing stuff last night with a certain someone " he looked at me " and that's why you didn't come back to our dorm, is that true"

" if you mean helping that certain someone through their chronic anxiety and clinical depression when you say 'doing stuff'. Then yes" replied jisung, he wrapped an arm around my shoulder , pulling me closer to him as we walked " I swear if hyunjin spreads another dating rumour about me I'm going to kill him"

" is that.... common?" I asked

" it's only happened once before, because jisung and Felix's younger sister were talking alot . But I wouldn't put it past him to do it out of excitement again " seungmin explained " he doesn't mean to cause drama. He just wants the best for us."

I nodded as we entered our classroom

" y/n, seugnmin , jisung " our band teacher mr.brown smiled " we've got some instruments prepared. And considering the fact you guys are the first here you get to pick"

I spotted the drums " dibs on the drums " I sprinted over and sat behind the instrument, cello might be my speciality.  But I could play the drums like a legend

Jisung and seungmin went for the guitars,  good thing there are two. I wasnt in the mood for an argument.

The rest of the students arrived and we began playing . It got to the drum solo and I began playing

Jisungs pov

I watched as y/n worked his ass off while playing the drums

" wow..." I half whispered while in a daze , he was so..... hot when doing that.... wait what the fuck, we dont think like that about close friends jisung. Get your head out of the goddamn gutter.

Y/n finnished his drum solo. He was sweaty and out of breathe from the amount of energy he had used , to the point were he was panting as sweat dripped down their forehead.

Actually, maybe we do think like that about close friends, because that is sure as hell what y/n is.

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