𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 2 (1)

566 24 70


Sorry for taking too long ;-;

And this is probably way too out of character cuz a good part of this was writen entirely by me, i apologize for that aswell

I hope i didnt overwrite such a scene like this that it took an entire chapter: around 6000 words w/o A/N, not much

If you forgot how open questions work you can reread the first chapter/ Authors note

im tired rn im starting to see things change color- So no reread for errors



"DING DONG BING BONG" Once again, the annoying and unfortunately familiar sound woke me up from my sleep.

I groaned and sat on the bed, already knowing what was going on, i lazily looked towards the monitor.


"R-Rise and shine ursine...!" Monotaro, Monosuke and Monophanie said in union.

Something looked off about them all, they all looked different because they seemed to be... Hurt? Broken? And for some reason, Monokid was tied to the sofa with his mouth 'Sealed shut' with tape.

"..." The monokubs kept quiet, which was odd.


"Y-Yeah! G-Good morning everybody...!" Monotaro said.

"Uhh, what a wonderful day in the Ultimate Academy, am i right guys??" Monosuke said.

"Yes...! Such a wonderful day, nothing is wrong at all...!" Monophanie cried out.

"HMMPHF!! HMMPHFF!" Monokid tried to speak, but that didnt work out.

"Shush! We cant have you complaining right now!" Monotaro said "It's your fault this happened anyway!"



...What the hell was that? They never get less annoying, do they...?

I sighed and slowly got out of bed, fighting the urge to go back to sleep, but i can't just lay down again. I need to be in the dinning hall soon...

I looked at the accent table in the middle of the room, expecting there would be something on it, but there wasn't. I mean, it wouldn't be surprising that the next motive was given already because the last one didn't work...

I once again sighed, i should have just about enough time to take a shower... I'll just do that and get ready.


In a hurry, i quickly took my purse and dashed outside, not forgetting to close the door of course.

I ran through the courtyard, trying to be as fast as i could because i... Accidentally spent too much time in the shower... Hopefully im not late, it would be really bad if i was late today...

I arrived at the doors of the academy and threw them open, i closed them and ran through the halls.

Coincidentally and luckily, while i was making my way to the dinning hall, i found Kaede and Shuichi casually walking and talking. I assumed they were also going to the dinning hall.

[DISCONTINUED] ★ 𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐈𝐂𝐄 ★ (Danganronpa V3 Gn!reader Insert )Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang