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Now that me and Jude were married we started planning to have kids. We tried and tried but nothing happened until..
"JUDE" I screamed from upstairs.
"COME UP HERE!!" I heard really fast footsteps. "Woah babe are you okay?!" Jude slightly shouted. "IM PREGNANT!" I say pulling the positive test from behind my back. "Shut up. IM GONNA BE A DAD!" He shouts excitedly.


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Emmy.. silvasantos: we're pregnant! @judebellingham
Liked by: neymarjr, jobebellingham, jadonsancho, bukayosaka99, denisebellingham and 263,932 more.
jobebellingham: I'm gonna be an uncle!
neymarjr: emmy vem
casa agora precisamos conversar sobre isso. mas parabéns! (Emmy come home now we need to talk about this. But congratulations!)
^emmy..silvasantos: mas pai eu pensei que você ficaria feliz por mim e jude e não, eu não vou voltar para casa se você quiser me ver eu sugiro que você venha aqui para poder parabenizar a mim e ao jude pessoalmente! (but dad i thought you would've been happy for me and jude and no im not coming home if you want to see me i suggest you should come here so you can congratulate me and jude in person!)
denisebellingham: I'm so happy for you both!
^judebellingham: thank you mum!
bukayosaka99: wait so this is why you left the group chat and blocked us all on TikTok and everything else?!
^jadonsancho: yeah man!
^^marcusrashford: yeah Kayos right?
^^^j_lingz: yeah.
^^^^judebellingham; no comment.
Me and Jude stayed at home for a few weeks because we went on Holiday too. Then when we got back I went to the hospital to get a ultrasound for the baby but when they put the camera on my stomach there wasn't anything there. I had a miscarriage..
When I got home I broke into tears and smashed my face into Jude's neck.  "Woah baby's what's wrong?" Jude asked kindly.
"I-I had a miscarriage.." I say.
"Oh." Jude said tearing up.
"It's not your fault ems!" He says because I blame it on myself.
"Guess we have to tell the truth." I say tearing up again.

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