«Chapter 11: 'Your.. leaving.?'»

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As the sun began to rise on the next day,
Everyone made sure to be up early enough as the King commanded..

Though, once walking into the main room, He and 'The Blade' seemed very serious looking..
"Farther, Brother, What's this for.?" Ranboo questioned, rubbing his eyes.
Phil waited for everyone to be seated, "Right.. we have a plan of action.." he began.
Ranboo's eyes lit up, "You- You do.? Well, go on.! We must hear it.."
Philza nodded, "Techno.. Take it away"
The Piglin Hybrid nodded to them, "Well.. This attack was clearly of malicious intent.. and Clearly a threat.."
There was a small pause, "It's been decided that we need to visit the SMP's Kingdom and ask what exactly it was about.. though there is a chance of Attack if we go, therefore we'll haft to bring who we can incase.."
Ranboo stared and listened more intensely than the others, "ok.? So then-"
Phil placed a hand up, to silence him,

He sighed, "You all do realise that this means a long journey will haft to take place, and the Staff and Guards have already been informed of this information, but I, Techno, and some Guards will be going on this Journey.."
Wilbur Stood up, "Wait- so.. If You are going Dad.. then.. who is-"
Philza and TechnoBlade turned to eachother, "We'll need someone to act as Ruler for the time we're gone.. however long it could take.."
They then turned to Ranboo, As did others,
And then.. Ranboo felt a dose of realisation hit them.
"Wait.. No- you don't mean.."
They nodded, Phil walking around the table to approach him.
"Ranboo.. you took the initiative the other day, you took the role of leader and you helped greatly.. We want you to Take control until we return.. and Wilbur will stay with you to make sure you can handle it alri-"
Ranboo interrupted him, Looking Clearly shocked,
"I- Your.. Your leaving.? Phil.! Are you sure.? I mean, can't you stay.? I don't think I can be king.. even for a little while.! ..Not yet.."
Wilbur approached Ranboo and placed a hand on their shoulder, smiling, "I'll help you Ran, don't worry.."
Phil nodded, "I know it's a lot to hand to you so early.. but, it's just incase.. and the kingdom needs a ruler."

Techno walked over, "Wilbur gave up the Royal Crown, meaning this Opportunity goes to you next.."
Ranboo took a deep breath, before exhaled slowly, before standing up and facing King Philza. "I'll do what I can.." He nodded.
Phil smiled, clearly pleased, "Your going to be a big help by doing this, I trust you can do it. In fact.." he laughed, "I know you can."
He and Techno walked back to where they stood before as Ranboo and Wilbur also returned to their places.
"As said, the staff and Guards already know, and will also do your best to help you.. But I and Techno need to prepare resources and such for the journey.."
Everyone nodded, Now dismissed from the Meeting..

Ranboo walked to their room, noticing his hands are more shaky than normal..
They opened the door to see Tubbo sitting up. "Boo.! Is everything ok.? I woke up and you'd left already..?"
Ranboo stayed silent and sat down on the bed next to him, mumbling.
"Pardon.? What did you say.?" The Brunette questioned.
". . .I'm going to be Acting king.." he stated,
Tubbo gasped, though not meaning to, "You- Acting King.?? What's happened to Phil.! Where-"
Ranboo sighed, "Him and Techno are going with others to the SMP's Kingdom.. to see it's ruler and talk about what happened.. and that puts me as the acting ruler.!"
Tubbo stared at them, "Well.. I'm sure you'll do fine, I'm sure Phil trusts in your Skill."
Ranboo nodded, "Yeah.. your right, I- I'm going to be just fine.! I have Wilbur to help me, and staff.. and.. I have you to help me"
Tubbo nodded, smiling, "Yeah.! Exactly.! You'll be great.!"
Ranboo felt themself feel much happier, more relieved,
If others believed in him, then he'd try to be the best Ruler He can be..

After a moment or so of complete silence, They turned to Tubbo, "Hey.. how's your shoulder.? Is it still hurting.?"
Tubbo nodded, "Yeahhh, but it's fine.!" The shorter boy laughed, "Trust me, I'll live, and I heal decently fast.!"
Ranboo smiled, nodding, "Alright, Well.. I'm going to make sure this doesn't happen again."
The Brunette sighed, "Hey, Even if it does-"
"No Bee, it won't happen again, I promise you that."
Tubbo nodded at him,
"Well then.. I'm glad that I have you to protect me"
Ranboo laughed, "Really now.? Cause.. last I checked.. Your able to protect yourself just fine, your probably stronger than me Tubbo."
They both just laughed, It make Ranboo's stress and worry melt slightly, the time slowly passed and they both stated in the room and talked.
Ranboo was, however, called out a few times to discuss how things will work with his Temporary-Role and The other's journey.
But besides that..
It was an alright day, and Ranboo now trusted that he'd be alright.

Ranboo was mentioned to that the 'SMP kingdom' seem to be mentioned as Ruthless and Powerful..
He just hopes The other's journey goes smoothly..and that no one gets hurt. Or worse.


[HELLO EVERYONE.! It's me.! I'm alive, and back with another chapter to this story.! I'm really sorry for such a short-ish chapter and I know that I haven't put one out for a while, but I actually got the sudden idea/motivation to do so..
Anyway, I do hope that you enjoyed this chapter, it may be shorter/not as good as others but I did what I could.]

[I have some ideas for what will happen next.. So looking forward to getting more ideas so I can write it.! We'll see how Ranboo's Journey as the Acting king goes,

This was 1,007 words All together :}
Thank you, see you next time.]
-Byee 🏳️‍🌈🚂.!

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