Archive 01: The Fool

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"Good morning, Night City!

Yesterday's body count lottery rounded out to a solid 'n' sturdy thirty!

Ten outta Heywood – thanks to unabated gang wars!

One officer down, so I guess you're all scA-REEWD. Cuz the NCPD will NOT let that go.

Got another blackout in Santo Domingo. Netrunners are at it again, pokin' holes in the power grid.

While over at Westbrook, Trauma Team's scrapin' cyberpsycho victims off the pavement.

And in Pacifica... Well... Pacifica is still Pacifica.

THIS has been your man, Stan!

Join me for another day in our Cit-y of DREAMS!"


  At Arasaka Tower, home-based one of the world's most powerful megacorps, V stands in the bathroom, staring into her own reflection. Stress gripped her heart after past events, even puking her guts out from all the pressure.

Jackie: V, you there?

V: Y-yeah. Yeah, I'm here.

Jackie: You alright?

V: Fine, just needed a breather.

Jackie: Sounded like you blew your guts airlock.

  V took a deep breath to mellow out her next words.

V: Yeah, I barfed. Just stress

Jackie: Jobs gonna kill you.

  V stared into the mirror for a moment until finally spilling all that happened to cause this stressful situation.

V: We had a leak. My boss called, dragged me in because we had to intervene. Everyone at Night City HQ is on edge.

Jacki: But no way your fucked. Your the one who.fixes other people's shit.

V: Jackie, work for Arasaka Counter Intel, you're always fucked. But don't worry about me, I'll manage on my own.

Jackie: Buena suerte.

  V stood from the sink to exit the bathroom to handle the current cluster fuck that was their current job. Making their way to the elevator and up the floors, only to get a call from Arthur Jenkins.

Jenkins: Christ V you were supposed to be here an hour ago.

V: Got held up, but I'll be right there.

Jenkins: Fucking Frankfurt. . . That Aburnathy bitch'll probably dump it in the labs. Agh, hanging up, I'll be in my office. And you hurry up.

  The ride continued up the floors until it finally stopped. V exited the elevator, making her way to Jenkins' office.

Frank: Hey V, it's been ages. It's Frank. We met during "Icefall", east coast remember? It's been ages.

V: I didn't know you were in Night City. How have you been?

Frank: Eh, you know how it is. A week ago, I was still in Cape Town. I heard you were in coutner Intel. Must have a shitshow on your hands after Frankfurt. Jenkins is your lead, right? Is he what everyone says he is?

V: What does everyone say about Jenkins?

Frank: That he's effective. Like any psychopath. Apparently, he's gone a little crazier lately.

  V leaned in to whisper to Frank about why Jenkins has gone a little crazier as per the rumors.

V: Hey, he's in a tough spot. The director was supposed to greenlight his promotion when the Japanese arrived. She stabbed him in the back instead. But listen, sorry, I'm in a bit of a rush right now. We'll talk another time, okay?

After Dark (Cyberpunk 2077XMaleReader)Where stories live. Discover now