Archive 02: Scorched Earth

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  After that shit happened with V and her getting fired from Arasaka, she's been running the streets with Jackie, earning a living by being a solo, and a pretty preem one at that. With your assistance here and there, she's managed to pop back onto her feet.

  Whenever you weren't working at Arasaka, you were running your own bizz as well. But currently, you rested at home in your apartment in the embrace of Lucy.

Lucy: Surprised you aren't doing your other work.

Y/N: What do you mean? I only ever go to work at Arasaka.

Lucy: You think I don't know what you go sneak off doing. I worry for you.

Y/N: Hmm, well, your worry is misplaced. Besides, I mainly do my tasks for the betterment of Night City.

  You get out of bed and out of Lucy's grasp as you get dressed for the day.

Lucy: Just don't do anything stupid. I love you.

Y/N: Yeah, I know.

  You didn't realize it at the time, but you refusing to ever say "I love you" back, only stabbed deeper into Lucy's heart. She sighs to herself before getting out of bed and tending to Shade and Ghost. 

  As she pours food for the cats, she lightly pets them both.

Lucy: I bet you both would say it back.

Ghost: Meow~

  Lucy smiled to herself before petting the two cats and then getting dressed for the day. She takes her leave for the day as she just gets on her motorcycle, which you bought for her, and just blazed down the streets of NC on her way to Lizzie's bat.

  The Mox here were very friendly with (Y/N) since he also helps keep girls safe at night from anyone who would hope to abuse them whenever he could. And by extension, everyone in his current group was all good, too.

  Lucy was let into the bar as she lightly waved to greet everyone who sent a wave her way. Though she was only here to meet with someone specific.

  Looking through the crowds, she finds her target. A woman with blue hair with a fur laced jacket.

Lucy: Hey, Evelyn.

Evelyn: Lucy, good to see you again

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Evelyn: Lucy, good to see you again.

  The two embrace one another as Evelyn sits with Lucy at the bar. She could see that something was bothering Lucy, so she snapped for fingers for the bartender to bring some drinks.

Evelyn: You look tired, sweetie. Is everything okay?

Lucy: I'm fine. It's just (Y/N).

Evelyn; Hmph, should have guessed. Something about you screamed boy troubles. He treating you, right?

Lucy: He treats me amazing.

  Evelyn looked confused, so Lucy elaborated.

Lucy: He always goes out of his way to buy things for me. But not just me, Sasha, Nightingale, and now this V girl. He even buys Juilio stuff whenever they go out.

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