2. Prelude: Mr. Roman Reyes

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Winter fell in a sky of smog choking the dull sheen of tempests to unruly black and with sparkling frost. Snow lightly trailing down to a fine coat on the hard, unforgiving streets of glitzy Manhattan.

Red and green and blue and white, angels and sugarplums, the Holy Baby by every street corner and store banner.

Windows boasting the most expensive, advanced toys, boutiques releasing droves and droves of the 'exclusive' Holiday line. Each supposedly hand stitched and evocative of gingerbread cookies and a glass of milk.

Joy and goodwill, melding seamlessly with the money and commercialist order of the day.

In one building...

There was holly garlands at the rafters, ice upon the heads of costumed men and women. Dusted in diamond white makeup to make cheeks glisten under icy mists and crackling mood light.

Bated breaths and applause, laughter, and a child's whimsy.

Right to the moment the last line was uttered.

"Love will thaw a frozen heart."

Music swelled from an orchestra down to the organic crescendo of a Nordic chorus.

It's lead, Roman Reyes basking in their adulation.

The thunder of a crowd, spotlight baring down, whilst at his flank was the Greek actor who played Kristoff in faux furs, the malicious second of Hans, and his equal; Rowena Marcella as the red headed Princess Anna.

Bowing together as a pair as he flourished and made a swish of his own gauzy train.

Mr. Reyes clasped the memory to his chest, still ever the 'humbled' actor.

A grand show it truly was. In no small part to his own brilliance of course.

His assistant all tangled up in whatever itinerary he had drawn up for the month. Whatever it was he needn't deign the energy to remember, not until little Thomas would tell him. As he always did.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2023 ⏰

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