Thunderstorm pt. 2

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Delexury: You want me to stay don't you?

Cherry: I'm not saying I want you here, but you can sta-
Cherry flinches as the earsplitting thunder shakes the floors.
She hides in the covers, putting her hands on her ears.

Delexury peeks through the blanket and laughs loudly.

Cherry: Stop squawking you idiot!

Delexury climbs under the blanket where cherry is hiding.

Delexury: Oh well this is cozy.

Cherry: Really?

Delexury: No, but you're here.

Cherry: What the fuck is that supposed to mean?

The thunder sounds again.

Cherry jumps into Delexury's arms, hugging him tightly.

Cherry: Don't take this the wrong way dickhead, but can we just..

-Stay like this?

Delexury: Yeah.

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