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The four Campione sat about the table. Sitting between Shirou and John Pluto Smith was Guinevere bringing the total of those there to five.

Five beings of immense power each of whom had come here tonight knowing that this contest would be forever recorded as one of the defining moments in the magical communities histories.

"In all truth I was a bit unsure of how to conduct this contest," The voice of the eighth Campione broke the silence as he addressed all at the table with him. "I am modelling this Feast of ours after another one that I heard of, however at that gathering of Kings they had a wish granting device to serve as both prize and conversation piece. Each of them spoke of their wish and so of their Kingship. Of course we do not have such an artefact to discuss, so instead I suggest the question; 'What do you wish for with your power'? I think that should get us started on the right path. From there we can see what shall develop."

As Shirou spoke Kaida came to the table bearing a tray with five wine filled crystal glasses upon it. Without a word she placed one before each occupant of the gathering and then just as quietly retreated. When the host had finished speaking and glanced down at the glass before him Luo Hao spoke.

"While sampling the fine drinks that your servant had provided for this Feast King Shirou I stumbled across this most delectable wine. Rather than consume it all myself I thought that such a superb vintage would serve as an excellent accompaniment to our contest." With one hand she picked up the glass and took a delicate sip, around the table the others did likewise. Shirou knew that he was no great authority upon the virtues of a wine's attributes, but even an amateur like him could tell that this was a superior vintage. Sweet yet slightly smoky, with a pleasant aftertaste and a mature smoothness to it. Mentally he made a note to ask Yusuke about it later and see if he could get some more.

"This notion of yours has merit, as the most senior on the path of the God Slayer here I shall go first. Do any object?"

A quick glance around the table showed that Shirou and Smith seemed to have no problems with letting another go first while Godou seemed relieved that someone was going to set an example rather than him having to be put on the spot.

"Very well then Sempai, what is it that you wish for with your power?"

The Ruler of the Martial Realm didn't hesitate for even a moment; clearly she had long known the answer to the eighth Campione's question.

"I seek defeat."

There was a pause as all around the table stared at the Chinese beauty in confusion. This unbelievably skilled and egotistical woman sought failure? That seemed to make no sense at all.

"I fear that you will need to explain your answer to us further your Eminence." Commented Smith as he leaned back in his chair.

"I have been a Supreme Ruler for centuries now. In that time I have mastered my Authorities and then gone on to use my extended life to master all martial arts that I deemed worthy as well as the Daoist Arts. As my skills grew I found it harder and harder to find martial arts masters that could provide me with instruction, then I could find none that could provide me with an enjoyable battle, let alone defeat. I soon found that my skills and strength had grown to the point where even if I handicapped myself I could not find those who could match me.

"I found myself wondering; what the point was to having attained supremacy? For normal masters it was so that they could spend their youths improving their skills and then spend their later years passing that knowledge onto their students so that the next generation could further improve them. For me though there was no end to my youth, no waning to my vigour. My skills improved constantly and age did not touch me. I gained the power of gods and integrated it into my style. It became so that even if I chose not to use the Authorities that I had gained not even the finest prodigy of martial or magical arts could stand against me.

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