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Kusanagi Godou wasn't having the easiest of days, in fact it wouldn't be too inaccurate to say that he was starting to wish that he'd just not bothered to get out of bed this morning.

It had begun well enough, but attending a full day of classes as usual things began to go downhill. It was now after school and he'd found himself alone after all the girls were apparently busy and hurried off in various directions. Godou, on the other hand, had been getting ready to go home when he had received a message on his cell phone.

The content of the message was as follows:

From: Koudzuki Sakura

Title: 'Godou-kun, help me!'

Body: Please! There's another thing I want you to help me with regarding that great Devil King from the other day. Could you assist me?

Koudzuki Sakura was his second cousin as well as a childhood friend. Despite her being three years older than him her cute looks and slightly childish demeanour led others to think her a middle school girl. About a month back he had found out that she had become involved with the magical world and was learning magic, though when he'd last seen her the extent of her power had been the ability to break matchsticks and toothpicks with her mind so long as she had a grimoire to help her.

The problem was that while his older cousin was sweet tempered and hard working her basic personality was a shy one that easily became lonely, when combined with her natural naivety his greatest concern since her arrival in Tokyo was that she'd end up as a recruit for some cult or scam. As it turned out though she'd become interested in magic after a new female friend of hers had begun to tell her about it.

In the end his childish cousin had told him about how an evil Devil King had appeared in Tokyo and was causing havoc by doing such things as collapsing highways, destroying Tokyo Tower and various other things. Aghast by the seemingly uncaring destruction, as well as having heard of the Devil King's insatiable lust for young girls from the old magical families, Sakura had taken it upon herself to do something about it.

Her plan, if such it could be called, was to track down the one responsible and then plead to him with all her might to stop doing terrible things.

As soon as he had heard her intentions Godou had considered how the Campione he knew would have reacted to that.

Dejanstahl Voban would ignore her without blinking as though she were nothing more than an ant in his path.

That idiot Salvatore Doni probably wouldn't even understand what Sakura wanted from him.

Luo Hao might simply chastise her severely for daring to speak to her or, if she knew that Sakura was his relation, would lecture her upon propriety and proper conduct.

John Pluto Smith, well, he'd probably just laugh and disappear in a suitably dramatic fashion.

Quite frankly the only King that she would have had any chance of having even a reasonable conversation with would have been Emiya Shirou, and even then he'd prefer not to see her too near his fellow Japanese King. Shirou might be the most reasonable Campione that he'd yet encountered, but that didn't change the fact that he was an . . . odd person.

After all what kind of normal person kills a dragon and then brings back its tail so he can cook and eat it?

Anyway he'd spent the day following his cousin around as she tried to find the very person that was accompanying her. Things had gone a bit strangely, but in the end, after Amakasu Touma and the Committee agent did some fast talking, Sakura had been convinced that she needed to 'level up' a fair bit more before she could meet with the object of her search.

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