Reunited friends to lovers <3

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MC: Roman (I swear I play other characters)

YC: 'B' (Can be anyone except Remus)

The wind exhaled a deep sigh across the cool water of the ocean. Brushing past the sand and the people packing up was yet another reminder that late afternoon was slowly inching closer to early evening.

B didn't leave yet though. In fact, they had just arrived. They watched as families and couples went to their cars but didn't stop their calm walk across the sands. Their shoes were held by their side to avoid getting sand stuck in places it may never come out of.

B would generally have left with the rest of the people but this evening was one of great importance to them. You see, B had just arrived in town for the summer. Unlike every other summer break that B had been coming to this quiet little beach town since they were 8, B was alone.

B's family first came to Kristol Winds when they were just eight years old. But it was a year that they would always remember. B's family had rented a condo for the summer and B had been encouraged by their parents to go out and explore, maybe even meet some new friends.

B begrudgingly agreed and went out for a simple walk around the neighborhood. They didn't have to make friends after all. They just had to go and 'explore'. They eventually found themselves down by the water, probably the only thing they were looking forward to on this trip.

The beach was mostly empty as it was a cool Tuesday and B planned to take advantage of that. They continued walking until they found an old wooden pier. They were hesitant to do so but eventually decided to take a detour down the small wooden path.

Shortly into the walk, B noticed a small figure down at the end of the pier. It seemed they were sitting with their legs through the pillars and kicking them happily.

B stared silently for a few moments but the person must've felt their stare or presence as they turned around. There sat a small kid with short brown hair and the deepest brown eyes.

Their face was littered with moles and a myriad of freckles splattered across their shoulders, face, and torso. The two stared in silence at the other before suddenly the kid's eyes widened and they scrambled up before full-on sprinting towards B.

B tensed but couldn't find it in themselves to move or run away. The kid came to a stiff stop in front of B, wearing the biggest smile B had ever seen.

"Hi!" The kid exclaimed before letting out a small, excited squeal. "My name is Roman! You're new right? You must be new! My Aunt told me all about you! My name's Roman! Oh I said that! Hi! What's your name!"

The words came rushing out like a sudden wall of hard rain hit B out of nowhere. Roman watched B expectantly until they finally spoke, words soft compared to the others.

"My name's B..It's nice to meet you."

The two kids took the afternoon to get to know each other. Their favorite foods, colors, and what their families were like. The two became quick friends and were glad to see once they returned home together that their guardians had done the same.

B and Roman stayed like that the entire summer. They had sleepovers and went out exploring the town B had never seen but was excited to get to know. Especially with Roman by their side.

And then B had to leave. The departure was sad but B's parents promised that they would be back. And they kept that promise. B and their family returned the next year and were greeted by the familiar face of Roman and his aunt.

For years and years, B continued to return to Kristol Winds. Through the years Roman and B both changed a lot. Roman had come out to them as a panromantic demisexual and how they felt like a girl but wanted to continue using he/him pronouns. A year after that B came out to Roman as bisexual.

Both were very supportive and no matter how much they changed through the years, the two still stayed best friends.

The distance that was created between summer breaks became less great when they redhead 15 and were able to get phones. But the distance that was taken away was made up for when B found out one summer they wouldn't be going back to the small beach town.

B was devastated and it hurt their heart to tell Roman. However, he tried to stay optimistic. They could still text and call! And it would be just one summer, right? That was until one summer turned into two. And then three.

Years had passed now. And B and Roman hadn't been able to see each other in person in four years. But now they were both 19 and B was back in town. They had even rented the same condo his parents always did so they could use this summer to make up for all the ones they had missed together.

B stood at the end of their pier now though. The same pier Roman and they had met. And 11 years later B stood in the same spot where their life changed.

Roman heard the sound of footsteps and quickly spun around on his heels. His eyes widened and much like when he was younger, Roman ran up to B with an excited squeal and wide smile.

He wrapped them in a tight hug and carefully rocked back and forth. "B!!" He exclaimed. "It's you, It's really you!! I've missed you so much!!" He exclaimed happily.

B laughed while hugging back about just as tight and squeezed him carefully. "I've missed you too Roman! It's been so long!" They were almost in disbelief this was actually happening. B pulled away to finally get a good look at Roman's face in person and they couldn't help but smile.

"Hey.." B spoke softly. The toothy grin on Roman's smile widened across his face.

"Hi.." He replied just as softly. The two stared at each other for a few long moments, only letting the wind and waves speak amongst themselves.

And then a shout came.


B knew without a doubt that was Roman's aunt's voice. B glanced back at Roman who was bouncing on the balls of his feet.

"Come on! Aunt Helen's gonna be so happy to see you! Let's go!" Roman grabbed B's hand and began to walk back to the neighborhood that B had happily become familiar with throughout the years of their youth.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2022 ⏰

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