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Fluttering your lashes as you wake up from your little trip to dreamland, you see Jimin standing next to the full wall window on the opposite side of the room

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Fluttering your lashes as you wake up from your little trip to dreamland, you see Jimin standing next to the full wall window on the opposite side of the room. The dim light illuminates his figure and you have to blink a few times to make sure you are really awake. After all this time, you still haven't gotten used to how astonishing his beauty is. Especially, because he only gets better and better with time.

His smell lingers over your skin and the sheets underneath you, make you shiver slightly and you drift your eyes back to him, looking at the sculpture of his naked back and the way his pyjama bottoms define the fine curve of his peaches. You realise his underwear is still lying at the end of the bed, making you smirk momentarily in amusement.

Then you get distracted by your thoughts when he leans his head against the glass and you can see his face partially. His eyes set on the streets and not the light polluted sky where you can see the moon shining in the white light that illuminates his face. Feelings flourish in his demeanour and the way his eyes squint with slight sadness. Feeling trapped, unable to fulfil his desire for freedom by getting out to walk around in disguise.

His smell lingers over your skin and the sheets underneath you, make you shiver slightly and you drift your eyes back to him, looking at the sculpture of his naked back and the way his pyjama bottoms define the fine curve of his peaches. You realise his underwear is still lying at the end of the bed, making you smirk momentarily in amusement.

Then you get distracted by your thoughts when he leans his head against the glass and you can see his face partially. His eyes are set on the streets and not the light-polluted sky where you can see the moon shining in the white light that illuminates his face. Feelings flourish in his demeanour and the way his eyes squint with slight sadness. Feeling trapped, unable to fulfill his desire for freedom by getting out to walk around in disguise.

Then there's a slight change that makes him look like he's waiting for his moment to jump out and run but fortunately, the apartment is a penthouse.

"Jimin-ah..." you whisper his name, sweetly getting his attention. "It's gonna be over soon," you tell him, starting to groom the mess your hair has become, with your fingers. His emotion changes to a tired look and he walks his way back to the bed, crawling to your side and sitting down against the headboard staring down at you. You wrinkle your nose at his questioning face. "I was speaking with the police this morning, they told me they had a clue from the street CCTV but... I've heard nothing, if you know what I mean," you explain to him, raising a brow. "Just a few more days and we'll be back to being no one." You try putting things the coolest way possible to brush off some of the weight it has on him but this particular time is useless.

"I hate this. What have I ever done so bad for them to go this far?" he says, looking at you with teary eyes. Impulsed by your need to protect his heart you pull him down over you by the nape, taking him into a weird hug until he slides his body down to lay on your side.

IN THE CITY (PJM Fic) Where stories live. Discover now