The I.S.S Story (I.S.S/ In School Suspension)

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Hello. Okay, yes. Your girl got suspended for a day at school. So here's what happened. I for so dumbass reason gave one of my old friends, lets call her, Karen. So Karen, had my account on her Chromebook. I had told her many times to stay off my account. But, bitch knows the time I usually get on. So. I had introduced her to Wattpad like idk 8 months before this. So, she logs into Wattpad with my account and looks up, 'Hot Anime Girls' and 'Hot Anime Guys' and other bullshitted shit. So the next day, I'm pulled aside by the Vice Principal. I'm just like, "Shit. What'd I do?" She shows me and I'm just like. "WTF! I NEVER SEARCHED ANY OF THAT STUFF UP!" She sends me to her office. And my heart is racing do fucking fast. I'm just like, "Holy shit. I'm gonna fucking die. She tells me to sit down etc. Then I sit down. She gives me a sheet of my grades/missing work. I'm sent there with. . . 3 other kids. When we reach a classroom. I'm just trying to hold my tears back. I've gotta say. I was a lot more quiet then I am usually when I'm in my real classrooms. Time passes by, and school is almost over. The only girl in there besides me, let's call her, uhm. . . Alexa. Yeah. Alexa and another guy. Uhhhhhh. Andrew. Walk up to the puzzle in the front of the room. Alexa tells me to come over there and help. 5 seconds later, all of us are up working on the puzzle. And I've only found one puzzle piece. Alexa says, "Whoever finds these pieces, I will give them $5." Guess what? I found the pieces in like. . . idk. But then I say, "Give me $5." Everyone looks at me and Andrew and Alexa are just like, "Nahhh. You made that bet on your own." I'm not trying to cause any fight so, I just shut the fuck up, and head back to my desk. 15 minutes later, we go outside and chill. The bell rings and our friends come out. I tell one of my friends what happened. (NOT THE FULL STORY!) A day later, my mother calls me downstairs. She says she knows about what happened in I.S.S. And that I'm a liar. I've been working so damn hard on bringing my grades up. My mom tells me I can't go anywhere or do anything, besides read, listen to music, and watch TV during break. I'm just like, "So you just want a depressed 12 year old. By any chance die of boredom and expect her to have fun. Even though, she hates everyone besides her friends, dad, etc. And not you?" I was full abouta curse out my mom. But then I heard TV, and I'm just like, "LOL. Nvm. This fine. I'm still hanging in mah room just to be clear. But sure." 


Damn. That's it for rn. Bye!


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