My First Love

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"Okay bye dad!" "Bye sweetheart! Hope you have a good first day!"  Walking into the building was nerve racking. My hands were sweaty, my legs were shaking, and I couldn't remember where my first class was. I saw the elementary sign, then the middle school sign, and finally the high school sign. I had just moved from L.A. and now am in Canada Alberta. I saw the 10th grade sign and went to Mrs. Taylor's room. She was very nice and had a lot of me. She was my first period. She taught math which is my favorite subject! I had to sit next to this girl named Mary. She was kinda annoying. But then we went to second period which was in Mr. Bills class. I thought his name was kinda funny. "Okay class, we are going to say two things about us!" He said. I was really hoping he would not call on me. He looked around the room and looked right at me.  "Amy! What about you?" He said. I was in shock! I stood up slowly. "Hi, my name is Amy. I like the mountains and animals." I was so nervous! I sat back down slowly. After Mr. Bill called on a few other people he began his lesson. He taught Social Studies, which is my least favorite subject. But he made it fun and interesting. He let us take our phones out and let us talk for a little while. No one really talked to me. Well except this one boy. His name was Finn. He was very nice and also liked animals a lot. "What's your favorite animal?" He asked. "Oh I like wolves a lot!" "Wolves are cool but what about the bears!" "Yeah!" We started talking a lot more! In the hall ways when we would move to another class and even when we went to lunch that day we were still talking.
"Hey Amy!" Finn said. "Yeah?" "Could I get your number?" He started to blush. "Sure I guess." When I got home he had texted me! He asked if we could meet up at the park and walk around to get to know each other. I met up with him. This girl started walking straight towards us. "Well well well Finn! Looks like you got another girl wrapped around your finger!" The girl said. " What! We're just friends!" He said. I felt a little heart broken! I thought that we were both catching feelings for each other! But I guess not! "Hey I am just gonna go." I said to Finn. He was still arguing with that girl so I just walked away slowly. I walked home and was thinking of that girl. Was she his girlfriend, his ex, his "friend!" I finally made it home. "Hey sweetie how was the park? With that boy Finn." He did a little smile when he said that. "Fine." I said as I walked up to my room. I wrote what happened today in my journal. I went to bed early and didn't really sleep good. I couldn't stop thinking about Finn and that girl. The next morning my dad dropped me off at school. When I walked into class Finn looked right at me! It was a little awkward between us. "Hey are you okay?" He asked me. "Yeah I'm fine...just tired!" But that wasn't the full truth. I finally built up the courage to ask him about that girl. "Hey Finn!" I said. "Yeah?" "Who was that girl at the park yesterday?!" I was so scared he was going to say his girlfriend! "Oh yeah about her...she is my ex!" "Oh well umm okay!" Finn looked away and didn't talk to me till lunch! "Hey can you meet at the cliff later today?"  He said. "The cliff? Where's that?!" "Oh yeah sorry I forgot you are new to things around here. Can I just pick you up at 4:15?" "Oh yeah sure!" "Okay see you then I guess." I shook my head. I left school and about an hour after I had gotten home he came and picked me up. We drove to the cliff and it was so pretty! "It's pretty right?!" Finn said. "Yes it's amazing!" We sat down on the cliff. He looked at me and said. "That girl doesn't mean anything to me anymore!" I smiled. "But you do!" He said. We both looked at each other for a solid 10 seconds! He came closer and I came closer! And then it happened! The best moment of my life!  My first kiss! He then said. "Amy I know we have only been friends for like two days. But Will you be my girlfriend?!" "YES!!" I yelled with excitement! So now I have found My First Love!!

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