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Song of the chapter: Hey, Soul Sister by Train

The Fletcher's turned out to be really nice people. I found out that the twins go to the same school that I'll be going to and they were only a few months older. Today they invited me to take a biker ride around town with them, since we only had two more days until school went back in session. Looking out my window I saw that the sky was it's normal color here, gray. I've learned from my research that England only gets a few blue days a week. I was learning to live with it though.

Straightening the last bit of my hair I put my flat iron down with pride. I hated my hair. If I didn't straighten' it my hair would look like it had ringlets. Don't get me wrong I love ringlets but not all the time.

"Nora, your father took your bike out for you for later." I heard mom yell from the bottom of the stairs.

"Thank you!" I yelled back. After I yelled back I heard her walk away from the bottom of the stairs.

Grabbing my camera bag and a tie for my hair I raced down the stairs. My hope was that I would gracefully race down but by the second set of stairs I missed a step and landed straight on my ass. Within seconds both of my parents came to my rescue offering me an ice pack.

Gasping I automatically checked my camera. It was all in one piece with no scratch thankfully. This camera was my sweet sixteen birthday present. If I broke it I would have been furious.

"How did you do that?" Dad asked me I was groaning in pain.

"I ran down the stairs." I said sheepishly.

Dad sighed and started shaking this head.

"How many time's must we tell you not to run down the stairs?" Mom questioned me.

As if someone was looking out for me the door bell rang right before I could answer them.

"You got lucky." Mom stated as I walked over to the door.

When I opened the door Meyers and Olivia stood in front of me on their bikes.

"Hi Mr and Mrs. A!" Olivia said enthusiastically before I closed the door behind us.

Walking over to my bike in the middle of the driveway I placed my helmet on and carefully got on, with my camera strapped around my neck. I could still feel a slight sting as I sat down but I ignored it.




Olivia automatically started talking my ear off where as Meyers listened. Sometimes I had to slow down so that I could make out everything that she was saying with her British accent. They were both very different but they compliment each other nicely. It was interesting to listen to the things that they would talk about. There were some similarities between American teens and British teens, we both wore the same clothes but we talked about very different subjects. In America the teens tried to text while on their bikes where as here they converse with each other. Maybe not all teens here were like this but it felt nice to just talk and not text.

As we were pedaling down I forgot how much I missed riding it, it felt nice. In America I would have had to find a bike trail but here I could ride in the road and no one honked horns at us.

"How come we can ride in the road?" I asked them as we pedaled

down the path.

Checking behind me before I made a turn there were no cars in sight. It was peaceful and calming.

Forever DarlingOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora