5- Place Cachée

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Teddy swung his legs as he sat at the edge of toms bare bed. He came to help Tom get ready to go  and answer any questions he might have. It was the next day already, and Tom seemed more at ease with the place (and maybe even himself). Him and Tom were getting along just fine, better than anticipated. Right now, Tom was finishing getting ready to leave. Teddy had brought him some clothes to wear for their trip. Tom walked out of his washroom. He wore a plain white button-up and some wide legged black pants, comfy and casual.

The two heard a knock on the door before it opened. Mr. Peverell had a small smile on his face as he looked at the two. "Are you ready to go?" 

Tom and Teddy both nodded before following Mr. Peverell out the door and down the stairs. Instead of going to the front door, they went to the main living area. "Tom, first things first, I need to teach you how to travel through floo," he said, picking up some sand from the bowl resting on the fireplace. "Floo travel?" Tom looked at the sand questionably. Mr. Peverell nodded. 


"That was horrific!" Tom (definitely didn't whine) said as Mr. Peverell helped dust his back off. Teddy and him just chuckled at Tom before leading him out of the store they came through.

"Oh and Tom, you don't have to keep calling me Mr. Peverell, it sounds too formal. We are family now. You can call me Hadrian if you want. " Tom looked up at him. He had a gentle smile on his face as he looked back done at Tom. Tom nodded at him, looking away (definitely not because he felt shy).

Teddy came to his rescue and dragged him over to a store called'Finest Fashion Frénésie', with Hadrian trailing behind them with a fond smile.

Tom looked around in awe. Everything was nice and tidy, and everything he saw screamed expensive.

"Mr. Pev- er Hadrian, where are we?" Tom asked Turing to look up at him. "This is Plaće Cachée, the Wizarding shopping place in Monmatre, Paris, France. Even I have to admit it's better buying here than in Diagon Alley in London." He replied, keeping his eye on Teddy, who was wandering around.

Tom nodded and looked around, but he stayed close to Hadrian. After a few minutes of teddy calling from around the store, hadrain ruffled toms hair and gave him a gentle nudge forward.
"Go look around Tom, we are here to shop for you, don't look at the price tags and just bring me what catches your eye" Tom hesitated before (not running, Tom didn't run, definitely not) walking around the store.

As Tom walked around, he saw all different sorts of fabrics, mulberry silk, baby cashmere, pashmina, Guanacaste wool, cervelt, and a hell lots more.

By the time they left the store, they had many shrunken bags filled with his new clothes such as turtlenecks, button ups, sweaters, blazers, trousers, coats, shoes, pajamas, robes, and that was only the ones he could remember.

Hadrain took them to a cafe called 'Café Abringer' where they had a quick meal before they were off again. This time, they headed to a place called 'décor de chambre' where they got all the things he needed and wanted for his room.

By the time they were paying, Teddy and Tom were exhausted. They waited for Hadrian, who went to pay for everything on one of the display beds. Not long into their wait, the 2 fell asleep on the bed. Hadrian, who had been keeping an eye on them, shook his head fondly and handed the money to the cashier.

He shrunk everything down and placed it in the one bag that carried all the other bags before picking up the 2 boys as carefully as possible.

When they got back, Hadrian placed them in their beds and left them to rest. He left the bags of toms new belongings by Tom's bed before closing his door.

"Who knew the dark lord was such an adorable child?" Hadrian muttered as he walked away from his room.

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