Chapter 15

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Sasuke had his men buy a crib and have it built in our room with a brand new mattress, with pink sheets and a baby blanket.

I dressed Sarada up in a red onesie and gave her matching set of black socks, mittens and a beanie to keep her warm. I took her up to our room after another checkup from our private doctor and laid her down to sleep. She should be up in 3 hours to eat.

I make sure she is in her crib, with a small, weighted blanket on top. I go to the bed and slump into it. Sasuke is rubbing my back. "Thank you for helping me take care of her. I wouldn't know where to start." I smirk sleepily. " I may help, but I will be teaching you and making you do all the dirty work." he laughed softly to not wake her. " Naruto what will we do if you are pregnant?" my eyes open wisely as I haven't really thought about it just about the fact that I don't want to be pregnant I can't be pregnant for my mental health and my physical. "I guess we'll figure it out. If I am maybe with you by my side having another child won't be so bad after all, but it will be hard if there is three of them, especially two under the age of two. But I need you to tell me right here right now that no matter what you'll be here by my side whenever I'm sick, whenever I'm upset, and whenever the children are being menaces, that you'll stay, no matter what." Sasuke smile softly, and runs his thumb over my scarred cheek. " I will also stay when you're sad, when you're in danger, and whenever the children have reached their achievements. I don't only want to be here for the bad, I also want to be here for the good."

The waterworks then start and I'm nearly bawling my eyes out. Sasuke kisses my nose and it makes my crying almost stop, just silent tears leave my face. "Let's go eat before she wakes up." I nod and he pulls me up out of bed.

I walk sluggishly down the stairs and go into the kitchen. He sits me down at the table and looks into the fridge.

I get a certain craving and I get up from my seat. I shove him lightly with a small smile and bend down to get the ice cream from the freezer. Before I get up, I feel hands on my ass and my body immediately heats up. "Sasuke... anyone could see..." I can feel him smirk through his words. "Well it's our home. It's only natural. Besides, wouldn't it make it more exciting." My gaze finds what I was looking for and I find a tomato.

I bump my butt into his hardness hard enough to shove him back and I grab a spoon from the silverware drawer and I hop up on the counter.

I ignore Sasuke and his baffled expression as I tear open the lid and use the spoon with all my might. It bends in an awkward position but I get some on the spoon finally. I shove the vanilla ice cream in my mouth and take a bite of the tomato.

The tastes are combined beautifully and I moan. Sasuke comes over and spreads my legs to stand between them. He gives me a deep kiss that almost makes me drop my dessert. He pulls back with a disgusted face. "That is the worst thing I've ever tasted." I poke my tongue out at him and continue eating it.

"Well I don't care. I like it. You always complained about hating tomatoes and now I'm eating them." I say with sass. He smirks and takes the tomato from my hand. I make a grabby hand and he pulls it back to take a big bite. "Because they are delicious. My mother always told me she craved them whenever she was pregnant with me. After she had me, she still found them gross." My eyes widen and I set down my ice cream.

He notices the change in my demeanor and sets down the tomato. "What's wrong?" I look up to him with a small smile. "Remember when I was pregnant?" He smirks and says "I remember you being lazy all the time. You would make me bring you whatever you wanted and would cry over anything. Even when you were mad at me. Then you ate tomatoes every... meal." He comes to a realization and smiles happily. "Do you think..." I give him a small smile. "Maybe. I hate tomatoes and I only ate them when I was pregnant." His smile gets wider and he crouches down a bit to kiss my stomach since I'm still on the counter. "I hope so. I want another one of you running around." I massage his scalp and run my fingers through his hair. "Sana may act like me, but he is so jealous. I don't think I can handle three jealous Sasukes."

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