Chapter 2: Operation Bluegill

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Gray? No. Too boring. Black? Too sexy for a first date. Red? Nope clashes against Navy colors. Yellow? Not your color.

You huffed collapsing onto the overworked full bed in the middle of your bedroom. Staring at the spinning rotor blades of your fan. It was trying to keep your cheeks from feeling hot. It was failing miserably.

You were scorning yourself now to the high heavens after accepting Jake's date proposal. And your time was ticking far too fast for your liking. Maverick had let you go shortly after 1600. You bolted out of the hanger so fast not even Mr. Perfect Face could even get a word into you. You needed all the time in the world to wrap your head around going on a date for the first time in eons.

Truthfully, you were never really one for dates. Too busy focusing on your bricklaying for your future path to be considering dates. Or maybe, and probably realistically, you didn't give people a chance to get to know you. Always the mouse. The one who barely spoke up. Fly under the radar and out of sight.

It's not to say you weren't interested in people. Everyone gets a crush. Looking back now, you wish your future self had warned your younger self about your type. You liked the tall blondes who were always a social butterfly. While you were more the slow and steady caterpillar. Waiting for your chance to crystalize and morph into something new.

The military had given you that chance. And while there were so many parts of it that frustrated you and made you regret your choice, in the end, it was worth it. Here you were surrounded by people of your same caliber who respected you for your accomplishments.

After some more fussing, you decided to keep it relatively casual. Partially because you hadn't unpacked much or had the time to go shopping for something other than leggings and jeans. Surely if Jake really actually liked you, he wouldn't care what you came in.

Soon enough you heard three knocks on the door and you took a moment to take a deep breath. Toying with your fingers, not wanting to run to the door and seem desperate so you made him wait for a moment. You counted to thirty in your head before walking a little too quickly to the door. With one more deep breath, you turned the knob.

You opened the door to find Jake's bright smile rivaled by a bouquet of daisies. You had to give him credit, he at least met your one requirement. Giving him a once over before cocking your head with a smile. Jake looked like stepped right out of one of those classic 80s movies. Jeans, a white T-shirt, and a bomber jacket. It was as if he was the devil himself in denim.

"Staring is rude, Sweets." Jake smirked taking a step towards you from the spot on your porch.

"I could close the door instead." You offered slightly closing the door as a tease before Jake's boot stomped it in its tracks.

His free hand found purchase on the door frame, making sure he took up as much space as possible. You gave a playful smirk and you could see Jake's eyes roll.

"Come on, baby... you can't fight me every step of the way. I brought the flowers and I even showered before I came." Jake almost sounded like he was whining. You were starting to get the impression that he almost liked the chase. You weren't folding into his hands immediately, even though your lower half would have loved to.

"Oh wow... you cleaned up for little ole me." You smiled reaching out to take the flowers. Jake taking the opportunity to pull you in close, your chest slamming into his. Letting the now crushed flowers serve as the only barrier between the two of you.

"You're a little spitfire aren't you? You fool everyone with that quiet persona, but I'm starting to think you are enjoying this" He had to almost touch his chin to his chest to make eye contact with you.

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