Accident #11

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Enid POV.

"Tyler..?" I said. "I finally found you two..and who is this?" He said and walk towards us. "no one important." I said and put Divina behind me. "Why are you two doing here huh? Making some more experiment?" He said. "N-no." Wednesday said and grab a crowbar on the floor. "" i whisper to divina. Divina run off, and tyler was suprise, Tyler hand out and gun and point it on me. "You think your smart?" He said. He shoot at me.

Divina POV.

i was running then heard a gunshot, i stop and look back. suddenly there someone running towards me and pat my shoulder. I look the them and it was Kent. "Kent?!" I speak. "we have to go is not safe." He said. "But-what about" i tried to explain but he already run with me.

"Divina,Where to go?!" He said. "There!" I point to the base. We got in the base then saw Yoko and Eugene standing at the kitchen door. "Divina!" She yell and hug me. "Where's Enid and Wednesday?" She ask. "i don't know.." i answer. Xavier burst in , "What do you mean you don't know?!" He yell, "dude calm down." Kent said. "how am i suppose to calm down! They are gone." He yell again. i was about to tear up but i hug Yoko. "Did something happen,Divina?" Yoko ask. I nod, "Yes, Tyler found us and Enid wanna me to run then i found Kent." I explain. "Tyler?, that b!tch." Xavier said with annoyed tone.

I go to yoko room and sit down on the bed. Yoko got in the room, "are you okay?" She ask. "i'm fine,Yoko." I answer. "Do you have anything to explain again?" She ask. "how did you know that i didn't explain it fully??" I ask. She laugh, "i just know,Darling". "I heard a gunshot, i was about to go back but Kent drag me out of the lab." I explain. "gunshot? sh!t." She  said.

Eugene POV.

i heard everyone was fighting at the living room so i decide to go in my room, "I need to find them!, i had to." I said to myself. Bianca got in the room, "Alone?" She spoke. I look at her, "Yes.." i answer. "its dangerous,Eugene." She said. "well i had to find them before its too late." I said. "i'll come with you." She said. "what? Really?". She nod, "lets go find some stuff before we go out." She said and go out. "yes!" I yell and follow her.

Tyler POV.

"bring the Scientist in the prison and the Zombie in the experiment room." I yell. "Y-you b-b!tch." The zombie said. "Lets see how are you not acting like a zombie, Sweetie." I said. "ew d-don't call m-me that." She said. "why not?" I ask. " disgusting." She said with cold tone. She was banging on the window more and more, "you can't get out. Never will." I said. " y-yes. I can." She said.

[To Be Continue]

Scientist And Zombie | Wenclair [ COMPLETED ] ꨄ︎Where stories live. Discover now